

Creating Custom Valve in Simscape



I, the questions similar to the following from the users:


SimHydraulics Pilot - Operated Check Valve

Clear the behaviors I am & for is slightly marketers. The only data I have from the: supplier is the following figure. The When the pressure on the pilot port, multiplied by the pilot thewire, is smaller that pressure on the port B, the valve should concerns like the curve of 4, allowing A flow only form A to B. When the pressure on the pilot port becomes larger, the valve should go in piloted mode and let flow in both directions, following the characteristic of the dashed curve

Pilot - Operated Check Valve Datasheet

The Overview of the solution


This approach consists of sensing pressures and imposing a flow rate. For a simple orifice, the implementation looks like:

Empirical Orifice Implementation



我们需要做的第一件事是获取数据的数据表。为此,我喜欢使用The File Exchange提交《数据的小偷byAdnan

这个提交非常容易使用。如果你的数据表是PDF格式的,截图并保存为一个图像文件,像一个The PNG file。然后你就可以通过调用数据窃贼函数图像文件的名称,和曲线的极限的值。在我的例子中,压力轴的最大价值是28酒吧,原点(0条,0 l / min,最大流量150升/分钟。将弹出图,你点击最大y,起源,最大x,然后点你想提取。当你完成,回车,x和y值的函数将返回指定的输出变量。



This gives us the data we need for our model.


现在我们可以使用这些数据在两个方面。如果你喜欢连接块图形,这个选择是给你的。使用块像压力传感器,一个Simscape查找表, and aThe Flow Source, and what others from the Physical Signals section of the library, we can last come up with the following:

Steam Subsystem

当指定xyValues for the lookup table, be careful with the units. The lookup table needs to receive and the output values in theStandard MKS systemHere, this means Pascals and meter cube per second, while the data we got from the datasheet is in bar and l/min.

One more things to note, I inserted a very small orifice in parallel with the flow source. This is to ensure that our custom valve never generate exactly zero flow. This order concerns badly numerically.

Option 2: Custom Simscape Component

A second option that will help managing the units more easily is A Simscape composite component. Using this that in theThe components部分,我们声明块我们想使用,连接节中,我们定义它们是如何连接在一起。在设置部分,我们可以使用价值The function to specify that the values passed to the lookup table block should be in Pascal and m ^ 3 / SEC. By doing so, the user can specify values in any units he wants, and we take care of the conversion automatically.

The code looks like The following:




The Test model

我们可以看到流可以在两个方向阀是驾驶时,裂缝在non-piloted 10条。

The Test model Results


If you are interested in this topic, I also how thisMATLAB Central File Exchange submission. It contains lots of ressources to model hydraulic components -based on the datasheets.

Let us know how you model the custom components in SimHydraulics by brigade aComment here



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