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Sharing technical and real-life examples of how students can use MATLAB and Simulink in their everyday projects #studentsuccess

学生大使Communities Helping Students Learn MATLAB at a Distance

Today’sblogOwen Paul,学生大使TechnicalProgram Specialist at MathWorks.


作为大学的过渡ed远程教育across the world,有其他资源来帮助学生s继续学习至关重要。一community within MathWorks有been helping students继续他们的学习是MATLAB学生大使。Their job is to help studentsthrough two main activities: in-person events and social media.Because大学transitioned对于远程学习,托管事件变得更加棘手。尽管有新的挑战,我们的学生大使已经做了truly amazing job进行此过渡。在今天的博客中,我willshare3个例子of the great things that our student ambassadors have been doing to aid distance learning and expand their communities.


我们的学生ambassadorsin Italy have always done a great job athosting events. They consistently have engaging eventswith至pics such as低的成本硬件, machine learning,和roboticswith audiences sometimes over 100 students.The意大利大使还计划了更多激动人心的活动through the rest of this semester,他们必须通过过渡到远程学习来重新评估这些计划T赫斯大使主动解决这个新的challenge together as a team

十三学生ambassadors from7different universitiesin Italy合作aYouTube频道在哪里他们dolive streams, post events他们’ve recorded, 一个s andpostother乐趣视频他们能够通过现场流进行活动,有多个大使运行直播流,他们canpresent the information and answer questions没有任何延迟。They also杠杆作用其他平台,例如Webex主持事件,record他们, 一个nd then post他们至thEIR YouTube渠道。不管the platform used to host the event,s至ring them on the YouTube channel allows forthe events到达数百of students


Ambassadors showcasing App Designer

By working together on this YouTube Channel, not only does this increase access to the events but it also sparks creativity. From makinga trailer to promoting an upcoming event至having a有关创建的视频the snake game using App Designer,不乏有趣和引人入胜的想法。意大利大使通过Microsoft团队共享和发展这些想法。通过这个Teams小组,他们金宝app通过促进事件互相支持,坐标ing为多个大学举办活动,并使这些活动更具娱乐性。


H在MATLAB的帮助下StudentAmbassador would notably improve the effectiveness in using MATLAB/Simulink within an academic course. Usually, the professor must give some preliminary lectures by her/his own, without the availability of appropriate examples and, sometimes, without providing the necessary information to complete the student training with additional material.

Turning Current News into an Event

Our next student ambassador, Sarah Hakam, started at the beginning of 2020 at the University of Houston. I make this distinction because most of the materials to ramp up student ambassadors are geared towards in-person events. But this didn’t stop Sarah from hosting her first event virtually.

在她的活动中,莎拉通过Zoom Look举办了在线活动atthe COVID-19美国病例增长。她以介绍关于使用MATLAB绘制COVID-19案例,推断数据并预测短期病例growth using public dataSarah said that “It was a great way to look at how coding software is used for modeling and pandemic predictions。” I couldn’t have said it better myself; I’d just add that it’s also a great way to show that you don’t have to be a scientist to analyze and create a model for data.

Sarah also made sure that students left the session learning something new by asking each participant to write their own code to plot and predict COVID-19 cases. Each student chose a country of their choice and then presented their code to everyone else through screen sharing. Leveraging this feature in Zoom created a fun learning environment, as seen below, but also allowed students to apply everything that they learned. Now everyone who attended this event has a better understanding of MATLAB, can predict short term results ofCOVID-19案例,更重要的是可以将这些技术应用于给出的任何数据集。



Virtual MATLAB Tutoring

Ashighlighted from the previousexamples,事件主持的事件有不同类型的事件event that佩罗·门德斯(Pedro Mendes),澳大利亚大学的学生大使c克兰,有been hosting是matlabTutoring Fridays.For one hour every Friday,Pedroanswers学生s with any MATLAB questions they have.最初举行了这些会议a help room在校园,但是要适应远程学习,他现在做这些导师ing会议through Zoom.



当我和Pedrolast summer,he told me that his focus is帮助本科生ju英石MATLAB入门Heensures tokeep these students in mindwith these导师ing会议由发出民意调查他们需要什么主题有这些在线的会议真正的好处these学生s as learning a new program can be daunting, particularly when you have questions and don’t know where to go.

These导师ing会议不仅是为了学生s学习MATLABfor the first time。“I如果您在艰难的任务中挣扎,想在MATLAB中学习一些新知识,或者您只需提高您的编码技巧。”佩德罗告诉他的Facebook组成员。His goal与这些辅导会议是为了帮助学生MATLAB。Hetruly embodies what being a student ambassador全部。


ThESEare just a few examples,但there are many more events and ideas that our学生大使正在提出让学生留下来的attheir大学学习和订婚。每个学生ambassadora MathWorksengineer tohelpguide them, but without the creativity and hard work of these学生s这是不可能的。Working with this program I am总是对想法印象深刻ESE学生s come up with,和all the work they put in tobe成功的。我希望阅读此博客后you分享我的level of admirationforthese studentsAnd if you are a student reading this and want to learn more about becoming amatlab studentA您的大学的MBASSADOR点击这里了解更多。谢谢阅读p租赁在您可能拥有的评论部分中分享任何新想法学生ambassador team going virtual!

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