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Time since state became active




elapsed(sec)returns the length of time that has elapsed since the associated state became active.


etis an alternative way to executeelapsed(sec).


The expressionselapsed(sec)andetare equivalent totemporalCount(sec).


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商店the number of seconds since the state became active.

en,du: y = elapsed(sec);

Stateflow chart that uses the elapsed operator in a state.

When the chart processes a broadcast of the eventE, transition out of the associated state and display the elapsed time since the state became active.


Stateflow chart that uses the et keyword in a transition.


  • In state and transition actions, you can use quotation marks to enclose the keyword'sec'. For example,elapsed('sec')相当于elapsed(sec).

  • The Stateflow®chart resets the counter used by theelapsedoperator each time the associated state reactivates.

  • The timing for absolute-time temporal logic operators depends on the type of Stateflow chart:

    • Charts in a Simulink®model define temporal logic in terms of simulation time.

    • Standalone charts in MATLAB®define temporal logic in terms of wall-clock time.

    The difference in timing can affect the behavior of a chart. For example, suppose that this chart is executing theentryaction of stateA.

    Stateflow chart with one state. The entry action in state A calls a function f and stores the elapsed time in y.

    • In a Simulink model, the function call tofexecutes in a single time step and does not contribute to the simulation time. After calling the functionf, the chart assigns a value of zero toy.

    • In a standalone chart, the function call tofcan take several seconds of wall-clock time to complete. After calling the functionf, the chart assigns the nonzero time that has elapsed since stateAbecame active toy.


Introduced in R2017a