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Create handle to CAN database file



candb= canDatabase('dbfile.dbc')creates a handle to the specified database filedbfile.dbc. You can specify a file name, a full path, or a relative path. MATLAB®looks fordbfile.dbcon the MATLAB path. Vehicle Network Toolbox™ supports Vector CAN database (.dbc) files.


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Create objects for example database files.

candb = canDatabase([(matlabroot)'\examples\vnt\data\demoVNT_CANdbFiles.dbc'])
candb = Database with properties: Name: 'demoVNT_CANdbFiles' Path: 'F:\matlab\examples\vnt\data\demoVNT_CANdbFiles.dbc' Nodes: {} NodeInfo: [0×0 struct] Messages: {5×1 cell} MessageInfo: [5×1 struct] Attributes: {} AttributeInfo: [0×0 struct] UserData: []
candb = canDatabase([(matlabroot)'\examples\vnt\data\J1939.dbc'])
candb = Database with properties: Name: 'J1939' Path: 'F:\matlab\examples\vnt\data\J1939.dbc' Nodes: {2×1 cell} NodeInfo: [2×1 struct] Messages: {2×1 cell} MessageInfo: [2×1 struct] Attributes: {3×1 cell} AttributeInfo: [3×1 struct] UserData: []

Input Arguments

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Database file name, specified as a character vector or string.. You can specify just the name or the full path of the database file.


Data Types:char|string

Output Arguments

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CAN database, returned as a database object withcan.Database Properties.

Version History

Introduced in R2009a

See Also

