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HDL Coder Self-Guided Tutorial

version 1.40 (2.2 MB) by MathWorks HDL Coder Team
Learn how to deploy an algorithm to an FPGA using MATLAB and Simulink.


Updated23 Oct 2021

From GitHub

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Editor's Note:该文件被选为Matlab CentralPick of the Week

This tutorial will guide you through the steps necessary to implement a MATLAB algorithm in FPGA hardware, including:
* Create a streaming version of the algorithm using Simulink
* Implement the hardware architecture
* Convert the design to fixed-point
* Generate and synthesize the HDL code

Cite As

MathWorks HDL Coder Team (2022).HDL Coder Self-Guided Tutorial(, GitHub. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2021b
Compatible with R2018a to R2021b
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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