




  • NVIDIA CUDA工具包和驱动程序。

  • NVIDIA cuDNN库。

  • 用于视频读取和图像显示操作的OpenCV库。

  • 编译器和库的环境变量。有关编译器和库的支持版本的信息,请参见金宝app第三方硬件(GPU编码器).有关设置环境变量,请参见设置必备产品下载188bet金宝搏(GPU编码器)



envCfg = code . gpuenvconfig (“主机”);envCfg。DeepLibTarget =“cudnn”;envCfg。DeepCodegen = 1;envCfg。安静= 1;coder.checkGpuInstall (envCfg);


[laneNet, coeffMeans, coeffStds] = getLaneDetectionNetworkGPU();

该网络以一个图像作为输入和输出两个车道边界,分别对应于自我车辆的左右车道。每个车道边界用抛物方程表示: y 一个 x 2 + b x + c ,其中y为横向偏移量,x为与车辆的纵向距离。网络输出每个车道的三个参数a、b和c。网络架构类似于AlexNet除了最后几层被一个更小的完全连接层和回归输出层所取代。若要查看网络架构,请使用analyzeNetwork函数。

analyzeNetwork (laneNet)


function [laneFound, ltPts, rtPts] = detect_lane(frame, laneCoeffMeans, laneCoeffStds) %从网络输出,计算图像%坐标中的左右车道点。摄像机坐标由加州理工学院mono %摄像机模型描述。持久对象mynet用于加载系列网络对象。第一次调用此函数时,构造持久对象并设置%。当该函数随后被调用时,相同的对象%被重用以在输入上调用predict,从而避免重构和%重新加载网络对象。持久lanenet;如果isempty(lanenet) lanenet = code . loaddeeplearningnetwork (' lanenet . lang = ')席”、“lanenet”);end lanecoeffsNetworkOutput = lanenet。预测(排列(帧,[2 1 3]));通过反转归一化步骤params = lanecoeffsNetworkOutput .* laneCoeffStds + laneCoeffMeans;isRightLaneFound = abs(params(6)) > 0.5; %c should be more than 0.5 for it to be a right lane isLeftLaneFound = abs(params(3)) > 0.5; vehicleXPoints = 3:30; %meters, ahead of the sensor ltPts = coder.nullcopy(zeros(28,2,'single')); rtPts = coder.nullcopy(zeros(28,2,'single')); if isRightLaneFound && isLeftLaneFound rtBoundary = params(4:6); rt_y = computeBoundaryModel(rtBoundary, vehicleXPoints); ltBoundary = params(1:3); lt_y = computeBoundaryModel(ltBoundary, vehicleXPoints); % Visualize lane boundaries of the ego vehicle tform = get_tformToImage; % map vehicle to image coordinates ltPts = tform.transformPointsInverse([vehicleXPoints', lt_y']); rtPts = tform.transformPointsInverse([vehicleXPoints', rt_y']); laneFound = true; else laneFound = false; end end function yWorld = computeBoundaryModel(model, xWorld) yWorld = polyval(model, xWorld); end function tform = get_tformToImage % Compute extrinsics based on camera setup yaw = 0; pitch = 14; % pitch of the camera in degrees roll = 0; translation = translationVector(yaw, pitch, roll); rotation = rotationMatrix(yaw, pitch, roll); % Construct a camera matrix focalLength = [309.4362, 344.2161]; principalPoint = [318.9034, 257.5352]; Skew = 0; camMatrix = [rotation; translation] * intrinsicMatrix(focalLength, ... Skew, principalPoint); % Turn camMatrix into 2-D homography tform2D = [camMatrix(1,:); camMatrix(2,:); camMatrix(4,:)]; % drop Z tform = projective2d(tform2D); tform = tform.invert(); end function translation = translationVector(yaw, pitch, roll) SensorLocation = [0 0]; Height = 2.1798; % mounting height in meters from the ground rotationMatrix = (... rotZ(yaw)*... % last rotation rotX(90-pitch)*... rotZ(roll)... % first rotation ); % Adjust for the SensorLocation by adding a translation sl = SensorLocation; translationInWorldUnits = [sl(2), sl(1), Height]; translation = translationInWorldUnits*rotationMatrix; end %------------------------------------------------------------------ % Rotation around X-axis function R = rotX(a) a = deg2rad(a); R = [... 1 0 0; 0 cos(a) -sin(a); 0 sin(a) cos(a)]; end %------------------------------------------------------------------ % Rotation around Y-axis function R = rotY(a) a = deg2rad(a); R = [... cos(a) 0 sin(a); 0 1 0; -sin(a) 0 cos(a)]; end %------------------------------------------------------------------ % Rotation around Z-axis function R = rotZ(a) a = deg2rad(a); R = [... cos(a) -sin(a) 0; sin(a) cos(a) 0; 0 0 1]; end %------------------------------------------------------------------ % Given the Yaw, Pitch, and Roll, determine the appropriate Euler angles % and the sequence in which they are applied to align the camera's % coordinate system with the vehicle coordinate system. The resulting % matrix is a Rotation matrix that together with the Translation vector % defines the extrinsic parameters of the camera. function rotation = rotationMatrix(yaw, pitch, roll) rotation = (... rotY(180)*... % last rotation: point Z up rotZ(-90)*... % X-Y swap rotZ(yaw)*... % point the camera forward rotX(90-pitch)*... % "un-pitch" rotZ(roll)... % 1st rotation: "un-roll" ); end function intrinsicMat = intrinsicMatrix(FocalLength, Skew, PrincipalPoint) intrinsicMat = ... [FocalLength(1) , 0 , 0; ... Skew , FocalLength(2) , 0; ... PrincipalPoint(1), PrincipalPoint(2), 1]; end




cfg = code .gpu config (“自由”);cfg。DeepLearningConfig =编码器。DeepLearningConfig (“cudnn”);cfg。GenerateReport = true;cfg。TargetLang =“c++”;输入= {ones(227,227,3,“单一”), (1 6“双”), (1 6“双”)};codegenarg游戏输入配置cfgdetect_lane



c_lanenet公众:int32_TbatchSize;int32_TnumLayers;real32_T* inputData;real32_T * outputData;MWCNNLayer*层[23];公众:c_lanenet(无效);无效设置(空白);无效预测(空白);无效的清理(无效);~ c_lanenet(无效);};



Codegendir = fullfile(“codegen”“自由”“detect_lane”);dir (codegendir)
.MWReLULayer。o . .MWReLULayerImpl。cu .gitignore MWReLULayerImpl.hpp DeepLearningNetwork.cu MWReLULayerImpl.o DeepLearningNetwork.h MWTargetNetworkImpl.cu DeepLearningNetwork.o MWTargetNetworkImpl.hpp MWCNNLayer.cpp MWTargetNetworkImpl.o MWCNNLayer.hpp MWTensor.hpp MWCNNLayer.o MWTensorBase.cpp MWCNNLayerImpl.cu MWTensorBase.hpp MWCNNLayerImpl.hpp MWTensorBase.o MWCNNLayerImpl.o _clang-format MWCUSOLVERUtils.cpp buildInfo.mat MWCUSOLVERUtils.hpp cnn_lanenet0_0_conv1_b.bin MWCUSOLVERUtils.o cnn_lanenet0_0_conv1_w.bin MWCudaDimUtility.hpp cnn_lanenet0_0_conv2_b.bin MWCustomLayerForCuDNN.cpp cnn_lanenet0_0_conv2_w.bin MWCustomLayerForCuDNN.hpp cnn_lanenet0_0_conv3_b.bin MWCustomLayerForCuDNN.o cnn_lanenet0_0_conv3_w.bin MWElementwiseAffineLayer.cpp cnn_lanenet0_0_conv4_b.bin MWElementwiseAffineLayer.hpp cnn_lanenet0_0_conv4_w.bin MWElementwiseAffineLayer.o cnn_lanenet0_0_conv5_b.bin MWElementwiseAffineLayerImpl.cu cnn_lanenet0_0_conv5_w.bin MWElementwiseAffineLayerImpl.hpp cnn_lanenet0_0_data_offset.bin MWElementwiseAffineLayerImpl.o cnn_lanenet0_0_data_scale.bin MWElementwiseAffineLayerImplKernel.cu cnn_lanenet0_0_fc6_b.bin MWElementwiseAffineLayerImplKernel.o cnn_lanenet0_0_fc6_w.bin MWFCLayer.cpp cnn_lanenet0_0_fcLane1_b.bin MWFCLayer.hpp cnn_lanenet0_0_fcLane1_w.bin MWFCLayer.o cnn_lanenet0_0_fcLane2_b.bin MWFCLayerImpl.cu cnn_lanenet0_0_fcLane2_w.bin MWFCLayerImpl.hpp cnn_lanenet0_0_responseNames.txt MWFCLayerImpl.o codeInfo.mat MWFusedConvReLULayer.cpp codedescriptor.dmr MWFusedConvReLULayer.hpp compileInfo.mat MWFusedConvReLULayer.o defines.txt MWFusedConvReLULayerImpl.cu detect_lane.a MWFusedConvReLULayerImpl.hpp detect_lane.cu MWFusedConvReLULayerImpl.o detect_lane.h MWInputLayer.cpp detect_lane.o MWInputLayer.hpp detect_lane_data.cu MWInputLayer.o detect_lane_data.h MWInputLayerImpl.hpp detect_lane_data.o MWKernelHeaders.hpp detect_lane_initialize.cu MWMaxPoolingLayer.cpp detect_lane_initialize.h MWMaxPoolingLayer.hpp detect_lane_initialize.o MWMaxPoolingLayer.o detect_lane_internal_types.h MWMaxPoolingLayerImpl.cu detect_lane_rtw.mk MWMaxPoolingLayerImpl.hpp detect_lane_terminate.cu MWMaxPoolingLayerImpl.o detect_lane_terminate.h MWNormLayer.cpp detect_lane_terminate.o MWNormLayer.hpp detect_lane_types.h MWNormLayer.o examples MWNormLayerImpl.cu gpu_codegen_info.mat MWNormLayerImpl.hpp html MWNormLayerImpl.o interface MWOutputLayer.cpp mean.bin MWOutputLayer.hpp predict.cu MWOutputLayer.o predict.h MWOutputLayerImpl.cu predict.o MWOutputLayerImpl.hpp rtw_proj.tmw MWOutputLayerImpl.o rtwtypes.h MWReLULayer.cpp MWReLULayer.hpp



Codegendir = fullfile(pwd,“codegen”“自由”“detect_lane”);Fid = fopen(fullfile(codegendir),“mean.bin”),' w ');A = [coeffMeans coeffStds];写入文件(fid,,“双”);文件关闭(fid);



/*版权2016 The MathWorks, Inc. */ #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include " detect_lang .h" using namespace cv;void readData(float *input, Mat& trans, Mat& im) {Size Size (227,227);调整(源自,im,大小,0,0,INTER_LINEAR);(int j = 0; < 227 * 227; j + +) {/ / BGR RGB输入[2 * 227 * 227 + j] =(浮动)(im.data [j * 3 + 0]);输入(1 * 227 * 227 + j] =(浮动)(im.data [j * 3 + 1]);输入[0 * 227 * 227 + j] =(浮动)(im.data [j * 3 + 2]);}} void addLane(float pts[28][2], Mat & im, int numPts) {std::vector iArray;for (int k = 0;k < numPts;k + +) {iArray.push_back (Point2f (pts [k] [0], pts [k] [1])); } Mat curve(iArray, true); curve.convertTo(curve, CV_32S); //adapt type for polylines polylines(im, curve, false, CV_RGB(255,255,0), 2, LINE_AA); } void writeData(float *outputBuffer, Mat & im, int N, double means[6], double stds[6]) { // get lane coordinates boolean_T laneFound = 0; float ltPts[56]; float rtPts[56]; detect_lane(outputBuffer, means, stds, &laneFound, ltPts, rtPts); if (!laneFound) { return; } float ltPtsM[28][2]; float rtPtsM[28][2]; for(int k=0; k<28; k++) { ltPtsM[k][0] = ltPts[k]; ltPtsM[k][1] = ltPts[k+28]; rtPtsM[k][0] = rtPts[k]; rtPtsM[k][1] = rtPts[k+28]; } addLane(ltPtsM, im, 28); addLane(rtPtsM, im, 28); } void readMeanAndStds(const char* filename, double means[6], double stds[6]) { FILE* pFile = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (pFile==NULL) { fputs ("File error",stderr); return; } // obtain file size fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END); long lSize = ftell(pFile); rewind(pFile); double* buffer = (double*)malloc(lSize); size_t result = fread(buffer,sizeof(double),lSize,pFile); if (result*sizeof(double) != lSize) { fputs ("Reading error",stderr); return; } for (int k = 0 ; k < 6; k++) { means[k] = buffer[k]; stds[k] = buffer[k+6]; } free(buffer); } // Main function int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { float *inputBuffer = (float*)calloc(sizeof(float),227*227*3); float *outputBuffer = (float*)calloc(sizeof(float),6); if ((inputBuffer == NULL) || (outputBuffer == NULL)) { printf("ERROR: Input/Output buffers could not be allocated!\n"); exit(-1); } // get ground truth mean and std double means[6]; double stds[6]; readMeanAndStds("mean.bin", means, stds); if (argc < 2) { printf("Pass in input video file name as argument\n"); return -1; } VideoCapture cap(argv[1]); if (!cap.isOpened()) { printf("Could not open the video capture device.\n"); return -1; } cudaEvent_t start, stop; float fps = 0; cudaEventCreate(&start); cudaEventCreate(&stop); Mat orig, im; namedWindow("Lane detection demo",WINDOW_NORMAL); while(true) { cudaEventRecord(start); cap >> orig; if (orig.empty()) break; readData(inputBuffer, orig, im); writeData(inputBuffer, orig, 6, means, stds); cudaEventRecord(stop); cudaEventSynchronize(stop); char strbuf[50]; float milliseconds = -1.0; cudaEventElapsedTime(&milliseconds, start, stop); fps = fps*.9+1000.0/milliseconds*.1; sprintf (strbuf, "%.2f FPS", fps); putText(orig, strbuf, Point(200,30), FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 1, CV_RGB(0,0,0), 2); imshow("Lane detection demo", orig); if( waitKey(50)%256 == 27 ) break; // stop capturing by pressing ESC */ } destroyWindow("Lane detection demo"); free(inputBuffer); free(outputBuffer); return 0; }


如果~ (”。/ caltech_cordova1.avi '“文件”) url =“//www.tatmou.com/金宝appsupportfiles/gpucoder/media/caltech_cordova1.avi”;websave (“caltech_cordova1.avi”url);结束


如果ispc setenv (“MATLAB_ROOT”, matlabroot);vcvarsall = mex.getCompilerConfigurations(“c++”) .Details.CommandLineShell;setenv (“VCVARSALL”, vcvarsall);系统(“make_win_lane_detection.bat”);cd (codegendir);系统(“lanenet.exe  ..\..\..\ caltech_cordova1.avi”);其他的setenv (“MATLAB_ROOT”, matlabroot);系统('make -f makefile_lane_detect .mk');cd (codegendir);系统(”。/ lanenet  ../../../ caltech_cordova1.avi”);结束


