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Functions for Programming and Data Types

Functions for bitwise operations, data type operators and tools, and program control

Perform bitwise manipulation offiobjects, manipulate the data type offiobjects, and develop algorithms using functions that support fixed-point data types.


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bitand BitwiseANDof twofiobjects
bitandreduce Reduce consecutive slice of bits to one bit by performing bitwiseANDoperation
bitcmp Bitwise complement offiobject
bitconcat Concatenate bits offiobjects
bitget Get bits at certain positions
bitor BitwiseORof twofiobjects
bitorreduce Reduce consecutive slice of bits to one bit by performing bitwiseORoperation
bitreplicate Replicate and concatenate bits offiobject
bitrol Bitwise rotate left
bitror Bitwise rotate right
bitset Set bit at specific location
bitshift Shift bits specified number of places
bitsliceget Get consecutive slice of bits
bitsll Bit shift left logical
bitsra Bit shift right arithmetic
bitsrl Bit shift right logical
bitxor Bitwise exclusiveORof twofiobjects
bitxorreduce Reduce consecutive slice of bits to one bit by performing bitwise exclusiveORoperation
getlsb Least significant bit
getmsb Most significant bit
double Double-precision floating-point real-world value offiobject
single Single-precision floating-point real-world value offiobject
int Get stored integer value of a fi object
int8 Convertfiobject to signed 8-bit integer
int16 Convertfiobject to signed 16-bit integer
int32 Convertfiobject to signed 32-bit integer
int64 Convertfiobject to signed 64-bit integer
uint8 Convertfiobject to unsigned 8-bit integer
uint16 Convertfiobject to unsigned 16-bit integer
uint32 Stored integer value offiobject as built-inuint32
uint64 Convertfiobject to unsigned 64-bit integer
cast64BitFiToInt Castfiobject types that can be exactly represented to a 64-bit integer data type
cast64BitIntToFi Cast 64-bit integer types to an equivalentfiobject type
castFiToInt Cast fi object to equivalent integer data type
castFiToMATLAB Castfiobject type to an equivalent built-inMATLABdata type
castIntToFi Cast an integer data type to equivalentfitype
num2str Convert numbers to character array
reinterpretcast Convert fixed-point or integer data types without changing underlying data
rescale Change scaling offiobject
storedInteger Stored integer value offiobject
storedIntegerToDouble Convert stored integer value offiobject to built-in double value
stripscaling Stored integer offiobject
eps Quantized relative accuracy forfiorquantizerobjects
intmax Largest positive stored integer value representable bynumerictypeoffiobject
intmin 最小的存储整数能被代表的价值numerictypeoffiobject
realmax Largest positive fixed-point value or quantized number
realmin Smallest positive normalized fixed-point value or quantized number
fixed.extractNumericType Extract numeric type from input
isboolean Determine whether input is Boolean
isdouble Determine whether input is double-precision data type
isfi Determine whether variable isfiobject
isfimath Determine whether variable isfimathobject
isfimathlocal Determine whetherfiobject has localfimath
isfipref Determine whether input isfiprefobject
isfixed Determine whether input is fixed-point data type
isnumerictype Determine whether input isnumerictypeobject
ispropequal Determine whether properties of twofiobjects are equal
isquantizer Determine whether input isquantizerobject
isscaleddouble Determine whether input is scaled double data type
isscaledtype Determine whether input is fixed-point or scaled double data type
isscalingbinarypoint Determine whether input has binary point scaling
isscalingslopebias Determine whether input has nontrivial slope and bias scaling
isscalingunspecified Determine whether input has unspecified scaling
issigned Determine whetherfiobject is signed
issingle Determine whether input is single-precision data type
isslopebiasscaled Determine whethernumerictypeobject has nontrivial slope and bias scaling
filter One-dimensional digital filter offiobjects
for forloop to repeat specified number of times