
Terminate execution of for or while loop




breakterminates the execution of afororwhileloop. Statements in the loop after thebreakstatement do not execute.

In nested loops,breakexits only from the loop in which it occurs. Control passes to the statement that follows theendof that loop.


collapse all

Sum a sequence of random numbers until the next random number is greater than an upper limit. Then, exit the loop using abreakstatement.

limit = 0.8; s = 0;while1 tmp = rand;iftmp > limitbreakends = s + tmp;end


  • Thebreakstatement exits afororwhileloop completely. To skip the rest of the instructions in the loop and begin the next iteration, use acontinuestatement.

  • breakis not defined outside afororwhileloop. To exit a function, usereturn.

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C/C++ Code Generation
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Introduced before R2006a