


Develop Your Algorithm



primenumbers = primes(uint64(2^21));compositenumbers = Primenumbers。因子=零(Numel(Primenumbers),2);


tic;foridx = 1:numel(compositeNumbers)因子(idx,:) = factor(compositenumbers(idx));endtoc


并行计算工具箱™使您可以通过在并行池中的多个工人上运行来扩展工作流程。上一个迭代forloop are independent, and so you can use aparfor循环以将迭代分配给多个工人。只需改变您的forloop into aparfor环形。然后,运行代码并测量整体计算时间。该代码在平行池中运行,没有进一步的更改,工人将您的计算发送回本地工作区。由于工作负载分布在几个工人之间,因此计算时间较低。

tic;parforidx = 1:numel(compositeNumbers)因子(idx,:) = factor(compositenumbers(idx));endtoc

When you useparfor和you have Parallel Computing Toolbox, MATLAB automatically starts a parallel pool of workers. The parallel pool takes some time to start. This example shows a second run with the pool already started.

默认集群配置文件是'local'。You can check that this profile is set as default on the MATLABHome选项卡,in平行>选择默认集群。启用了此配置文件,MATLAB将在计算机上为并行池创建工人。当您使用'local'默认情况下,个人资料MATLAB启动了与机器中的物理内核一样多的工人,直到您首选的工人数量。您可以使用并行首选项控制并行行为。在matlab上Hometab, select平行>并行偏好

To measure the speedup with the number of workers, run the same code several times, limiting the maximum number of workers. First, define the number of workers for each run, up to the number of workers in the pool, and create an array to store the result of each test.

numworkers = [1 2 4 6];tlocal =零(size(numworkers));


forw = 1:numel(numworkers)tic;parfor(idx = 1:numel(compositeNumbers),numworkers(w))因子(idx,:) = factor(compositeNumbers(idx));endtlocal(w)= toc;end

Calculate the speedup by computing the ratio between the computation time of a single worker and the computation time of each maximum number of workers. To visualize how the computations scale up with the number of workers, plot the speedup against the number of workers. Observe that the speedup increases with the number of workers. However, the scaling is not perfect due to overhead associated with parallelization.

f =图;加速= tlocal(1)./ tlocal;情节(Numworkers,Speedup);标题('Speedup with the number of workers');Xlabel(“工人人数”);Xticks(Numworkers);ylabel('加速');




If your computing task is too big or too slow for your local computer, you can offload your calculation to a cluster onsite or in the cloud. Before you can run the next sections, you must get access to a cluster. On the MATLABHome标签,转到平行>发现集群找出您是否已经可以使用MATLAB Parallel Server™访问群集。有关更多信息,请参阅发现集群

如果您无法访问群集,则必须在运行下一个部分之前配置对一个群集的访问。在MATLAB中,您可以直接从MATLAB桌面中创建云服务中的簇。在Home标签,在平行menu, selectCreate and Manage Clusters。在集群配置文件管理器中,单击创建云集群。要了解有关扩展到云的更多信息,请参阅Getting Started with Cloud Center。要了解有关您将缩放到网络集群扩展的选择的更多信息,请参见Get Started with MATLAB Parallel Server(MATLAB并行服务器)

设置集群配置文件后,您可以在平行>Create and Manage Clusters。有关更多信息,请参阅发现集群并使用群集配置文件。下图显示了一个集群配置文件集群配置文件管理器



You can also use a programmatic approach to specify your cluster. To do so, start a parallel pool in the cluster by specifying the name of your cluster profile in theParpool命令。在以下代码中,替换mycluster带有群集配置文件的名称。还可以用第二个输入参数指定工人数量。

Parpool(“ mycluster',64);
使用“ mycluster”配置文件...连接到64名工人。

和以前一样,通过几次运行相同的代码来测量工人数量的加速,并限制最大工人数量。因为此示例中的群集允许比本地设置更多的工人,所以数字工人can hold more values. If you run this code, theparfor循环现在在集群中运行。

numworkers = [1 2 4 6 16 32 64];tcluster = zeros(size(numworkers));forw = 1:numel(numworkers)tic;parfor(idx = 1:numel(compositeNumbers),numworkers(w))因子(idx,:) = factor(compositeNumbers(idx));endtcluster(w)= toc;end

Calculate the speedup, and plot it against the number of workers to visualize how the computations scale up with the number of workers. Compare the results with those of the local setup. Observe that the speedup increases with the number of workers. However, the scaling is not perfect due to overhead associated with parallelization.

图(f);抓住速度= tcluster(1)./ tcluster;情节(Numworkers,Speedup);标题('Speedup with the number of workers');Xlabel(“工人人数”);xticks(numWorkers(2:end)); ylabel('加速');




After you are done prototyping and running interactively, you can use batch jobs to offload the execution of long-running computations in the background with batch processing. The computation happens in the cluster, and you can close MATLAB and retrieve the results later.


请注意,如果您使用脚本文件batchMATLAB转移所有工作空间变量the cluster, even if your script does not use them. If you have a large workspace, it impacts negatively the data transfer time. As a best practice, convert your script to a function file to avoid this communication overhead. You can do this by simply adding a function line at the beginning of your script. To learn how to convertmyParallelAlgorithmto a function, seemyParallelAlgorithmFcn

The following code submitsmyParallelAlgorithmFcnas a batch job.myParallelAlgorithmFcnreturns two output arguments,数字工人time,,,,和you must specify2as the number of outputs input argument. Because the code needs a parallel pool for theparfor循环,使用'水池'名称值对batch指定工人人数。群集使用额外的工人运行该功能本身。默认,batch将集群中工人的当前文件夹更改为MATLAB客户端的当前文件夹。控制当前文件夹可能很有用。例如,如果您的群集使用不同的文件系统,因此路径是不同的,例如,当您从Windows客户端计算机提交到Linux群集时。设置名称值对'CurrentFolder'到您选择的文件夹,或'。'to avoid changing the folder of the workers.

TotalNumberOfWorkers = 65;群集= Parcluster(“ mycluster');job = batch(cluster,'myParallelAlgorithmFcn',,,,2,,,,'水池',,,,totalNumberOfWorkers-1,'CurrentFolder',,,,'。');


You can close MATLAB after the job has been submitted. When you open MATLAB again, the Job Monitor keeps track of the job for you, and you can interact with it if you right-click it. For example, to retrieve the job object, select显示详细资料,,,,和to transfer the outputs of the batch job into the workspace, select提取输出

Alternatively, if you want to block MATLAB until the job completes, use thewaitfunction on the job object.



outputs = fetchOutputs(job); numWorkers = outputs{1}; time = outputs{2};


figure speedup = time(1,:)./time; plot(numWorkers,speedup); legend(问题复杂性1',,,,“问题复杂性2”,,,,问题复杂性3',,,,问题复杂性4',,,,'地点',,,,'northwest');标题(“加速与复杂性”);Xlabel(“工人人数”);xticks(numWorkers(2:end)); ylabel('加速');



