




rpat= rotpat(pat,az,el,rotax)rotates a radiation pattern,pat,变成新模式,rpat,他的笑容与x-axis of a new local coordinate system defined byrotax.azelspecify the azimuth and elevation angles at which the original pattern is sampled.

rpat= rotpat(pat,az,el,rotax,expval)also specifies an extrapolated value to be used whenazel不要覆盖整个3D空间。






创建一个分阶段antenna object with default properties. The short-dipole antenna radiates polarized radiation. Obtain and display the radiation for all directions.

天线=分阶段。EL = -90:90;AZ = -180:180;pat_h = zeros(numel(el),numel(az),'喜欢',1+1i); pat_v = pat_h; fc = 3e8;form = 1:numel(el)temp = antenna1(fc,[az; el(m)*一个(1,numel(az))]);pat_h(m,:) = temp.h;pat_v(m,:) = temp.v;end图案(天线,FC,'类型','力量')

旋转the antenna pattern around they- 轴为135度,然后绕旋转x- 轴为65度。

newax = rotx(65)*roty(135); pat2_h = rotpat(pat_h,az,el,newax); pat2_v = rotpat(pat_v,az,el,newax);

将旋转图案插入phased.CustomAntennaElement目的。Set the antenna polarization properties so that the element radiates horizontal and vertical polarized fields. Then display the rotated pattern in three dimensions.

antenna2 = phased.CustomAntennaElement(...'SpecifyPolarizationPattern',true,...'HorizontalMagnitudePattern',mag2db(abs(pat2_h)),...“水平强调”,rad2deg(angle(pat2_h)),...'VerticalMagnitudePattern',mag2db(abs(pat2_v)),...'VerticalPhasePattern',rad2deg(Angle(PAT2_V)));图案(天线2,FC,'类型','力量')

使用A创建余弦天线的辐射图案分阶段目的。旋转用于在phased.CustomAntennaElementantenna object.

First obtain the radiation pattern for a分阶段object over a limited range of directions. The field is not polarized.

antenna1 = phased.CosineAntennaElement(``宇宙力量'',[5,5]);AZ = -60:65;EL = -60:60;pat = zeros(numel(el),numel(az),'喜欢',1);FC = 300E6;form = 1:numel(el)temp = antenna1(fc,[az; el(m)*一个(1,numel(az))]);pat(m,:) = temp;end


imagesc(az,el,abs(pat)) axisxyequal紧的Xlabel(“方位角(DEG)”)ylabel(“海拔(DEG)”) 标题('Original Radiation Pattern')配色栏


将天线图案旋转20度z-axis and 50 degrees around thex-axis. Then display the rotated pattern.

newax = rotx(50)*rotz(20);rpat = rotpat(PAT,AZ,EL,Newax);imagsc(AZ,EL,ABS(RPAT))轴xyequal紧的Xlabel(“方位角(DEG)”)ylabel(“海拔(DEG)”) 标题(“旋转辐射模式”)配色栏

图包含一个轴对象。The axes object with title Rotated Radiation Pattern contains an object of type image.

Use the rotated pattern in a custom antenna element and display the pattern in 3-D.

antenna2 = phased.CustomAntennaElement(...'AzimuthAngles',AZ,“高程”,el,'SpecifyPolarizationPattern',错误的,...'aggitudepattern',mag2db(abs(rpat)),...'PhasePattern',zeros(size(rpat))); pattern(antenna2,fc,'类型','力量')

Input Arguments


辐射模式,指定为复杂值N-经过-Mmatrix or complex-valuedN-经过-M-经过-L大批.Nis the length of theelvector andMis the length of theaz向量。Each column corresponds to one of the azimuth angles specified in theaz争论。Each row corresponds to one of the elevation angles specified in theel争论。You can specify multiple radiation patterns usingL页面。例如,您可以使用页面在不同频率下指定辐射模式。假定每个图案的主要叶子沿着x-axis. Units are in meters-squared.

Data Types:双倍的
Complex Number Support:Yes


方位角是x-axis and the projection of the direction vector onto thexy-飞机。从x- 轴向y-axis.


Data Types:双倍的

高程角for computing directivity and pattern, specified as a 1-by-N实价的行矢量N是高程角度的数量。每个条目对应于在pat争论。角度单位为程度。高程角必须位于–90°和90°之间,包括。

The elevation angle is the angle between the direction vector andxy-飞机。测量朝向z-axis.


Data Types:双倍的

旋转矩阵, specified as a real-valued orthonormal 3-by-3 matrix or a real-valued 3-by-3-by-P大批. The columns represent thex,y, 和zdirections of the rotated coordinate system with respect to the original coordinate system. ThePpages specify different rotation matrices.

该表描述了输出模式的尺寸rpatdepend on the dimensions of thepatrotax参数。

Dimensions ofrpat

PAT的尺寸 Dimensions of rotax
3-经过-3 3-经过-3-经过-P
M-经过-N 旋转单个图案a single rotation matrix. Output dimensions ofrpatareM-经过-N. 旋转单个图案P不同的旋转矩阵。输出尺寸rpatareM-经过-N-经过-P.
M-经过-N-经过-L 旋转L图案通过相同的旋转矩阵。输出尺寸rpatareM-经过-N-经过-L. In this case,P必须等于L函数通过相应的旋转矩阵旋转每个图案。输出尺寸rpatareM-经过-N-经过-L.


Data Types:双倍的

Extrapolation value, specified as a scalar. This scalar is the extrapolated value when the rotated patterns do not fill the entire 3-D space specified byazel. In general, consider settingexpvalto 0 if the pattern is specified in a linear scale or-inf如果图案以DB量表指定。


Data Types:双倍的

Output Arguments


旋转d radiation pattern, returned as a complex-valuedN-经过-Mmatrix or complex-valuedN-经过-M-经过-P大批.Nis the length of theel向量。Mis the length of theaz向量。维度patrotaxdetermine the value ofP如在rotaxinput argument. Units are in meters-squared.

Data Types:双倍的
Complex Number Support:Yes

Extended Capabilities

C/C ++代码生成
使用MATLAB®CODER™生成C和C ++代码。

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

See Also
