

Retrieve application-defined data

Use this function to retrieve data stored using thesetappdatafunction. Both of these functions provide a convenient way to share data between callbacks or between separate UIs.


val = getappdata(obj,name)
vals = getappdata(obj)



val= getappdata(obj,name)returns a value stored in the graphics object,obj. The name identifier,name, uniquely identifies the value to retrieve.


vals= getappdata(obj)returns all values stored in the graphics object with their name identifiers.


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Create a figure window.

f = figure;

Get the current date and time as separate variables.

dt = fix(clock); currdate = dt(1:3); currtime = dt(4:6);

商店currdateandcurrtimeusing thesetappdatafunction.

setappdata(f,'todaysdate',currdate); setappdata(f,'presenttime',currtime);

Retrieve the date information.

ans = 2014 12 23

Retrieve all data associated with figuref.

ans = todaysdate: [2014 12 23] presenttime: [16 51 5]

Input Arguments

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Graphics object containing the value, specified as any graphics object (except an ActiveX®component). This is the same graphics object passed tosetappdataduring the storage operation.

Name identifier, specified as a character vector. This is the same name identifier passed tosetappdataduring the storage operation.

Data Types:char

Output Arguments

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商店d value, returned as the same value and data type that was originally stored.

All values stored in the graphics object with name identifiers, returned as a structure. Each field in the structure corresponds to a stored value. The field names of the structure correspond to the name identifiers assigned when each value was stored.

Introduced before R2006a

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