
Asynchronous Parallel Programming

Evaluate functions in the background usingparfeval

You can evaluate a function in the background without waiting for it to complete, usingparfeval. In many cases, it can be convenient to break out of a for loop early. For example, in an optimization procedure, you can stop the loop early when the result is good enough. You can do this on one or all parallel pool workers, usingparfevalorparfevalOnAll. This can be useful if you want to be able to plot intermediate results. Note that this is different from usingparfor, where you have to wait for the loop to complete.

Usesendandpolltogether to send and poll for messages or data from different workers using a data queue. You can useafterEachto add a function to call when new data is received from a data queue.


Evaluate Functions in the Background Using parfeval

Break out of a loop early and collect results as they become available.


parfeval Execute function asynchronously on parallel pool worker
parfevalOnAll Execute function asynchronously on all workers in parallel pool
ticBytes Start counting bytes transferred within parallel pool
tocBytes Read how many bytes have been transferred since calling ticBytes
send Send data from worker to client using a data queue
poll Retrieve data sent from a worker
afterEach Define a function to call when new data is received
fetchOutputs (FevalFuture) Retrieve all output arguments from Future
fetchNext Retrieve next available unread FevalFuture outputs
cancel (FevalFuture) Cancel queued or running future
isequal (FevalFuture) True if futures have same ID
wait (FevalFuture) Wait for futures to complete
parallel.Future Request function execution on parallel pool workers
parallel.Pool Access parallel pool
parallel.pool.DataQueue Class that enables sending and listening for data between client and workers
parallel.pool.PollableDataQueue Class that enables sending and polling for data between client and workers

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