

Remove edge from graph


H = rmedge(G,s,t)
H = rmedge(G,idx)



H= rmedge(G,s,t)removes the edges specified by the node pairssandtfrom graphG.


H= rmedge(G,idx)specifies which edges to remove with edge indicesidx. The edge indices are row numbers in theG.Edgestable.


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Create and plot a graph.

s = [1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7]; t = [2 4 5 3 6 4 7 8 6 8 7 8]; G = graph(s,t); plot(G)

Remove several edges from the graph and plot the result.

G = rmedge(G,[1 2 3 4],[5 6 7 8]); plot(G)

Create a graph and view the edge list.

s = {'BOS''NYC''NYC''NYC''LAX'}; t = {'NYC''LAX''DEN''LAS''DCA'}; G = digraph(s,t); G.Edges
ans=5x1 tableEndNodes ______________ 'BOS' 'NYC' 'NYC' 'LAX' 'NYC' 'DEN' 'NYC' 'LAS' 'LAX' 'DCA'

Remove the edge between nodes'NYC'and'DEN'using the edge index.

G = rmedge(G,3); G.Edges
ans=4x1 tableEndNodes ______________ 'BOS' 'NYC' 'NYC' 'LAX' 'NYC' 'LAS' 'LAX' 'DCA'

This example shows how to remove all of the self-loops from a graph. Self-loops are edges that connect a node to itself.

Create a graph that has two self-loops.

G = graph([1 1 1 2],[1 2 3 2]); plot(G)

Usermedgeto remove all self-loops from the graph. Even thoughGhas only two self-loops, this technique removes all self-loops from any directed or undirected graph.

G = rmedge(G, 1:numnodes(G), 1:numnodes(G)); plot(G)

Input Arguments

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Input graph, specified as either agraphordigraphobject. Usegraphto create an undirected graph ordigraphto create a directed graph.

Example:G = graph(1,2)

Example:G = digraph([1 2],[2 3])

Node pairs, specified as separate arguments of scalars, vectors, character vectors, or cell arrays of character vectors. Similarly located elements insandtspecify the source and target nodes for an edge in the graph.

Example:G = rmedge(G,1,2)removes the edge between node 1 and node 2 from graphG.

Example:G = rmedge(G,{'a' 'b'},{'d' 'c'})removes two edges from graphG, the first of which is between node'a'and node'd'.

优势指标,指定为一个标量或矢量。的edge indices are nonnegative integers that are row numbers in theG.Edgestable.

Example:G = rmedge(G,[1 3 5])removes the first, third, and fifth edges (rows) fromG.Edges.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Output graph, returned as agraphordigraphobject.

For more information, seegraphordigraph.

Introduced in R2015b

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