
Getting Started withSimscapeMultibody


  • Start a New Model

    Start a model from a template with commonly used blocks and suitable solver settings.

  • Model a Simple Link

    Model a simple body with solid properties and connection frames parameterized in terms of MATLAB®variables.

  • Model a Simple Pendulum

    Model a basic multibody system comprising a simple body and a revolute joint.

  • Analyze a Simple Pendulum

    Apply forces and torques to a basic multibody model. Sense motion variables at joints and visualize these variables using MATLAB plots.

About Multibody Modeling

  • Multibody Model Anatomy

    Basic components of aSimscape™ Multibody™model

  • Creating a Multibody Model

    Simscape Multibodymodeling workflow

  • Working with Frames

    Frames are axis triads that encode the position and orientation of body elements in a body. Learn about frames as a means to connect body elements and about rigid transforms as a means to offset those elements.

  • Modeling Bodies

    生化需氧量ies are representations that you create of physical parts—gears, pistons, levers—for later assembly into multibody systems, a piston engine serving as an example. Here is an introduction to bodies as well as the blocks and tools commonly used to represent one in a model.

  • Modeling Joint Connections

    Role of joints in a multibody model. Joints as systems of joint primitives with elementary degrees of freedom. Accounting for the effects of joint inertia in a model.

  • Visualize a Model and Its Components

    Visualization is not only a central part of a multibody simulation, it is an essential tool in modeling bodies and verifying their shapes, sizes, frame placements, and colors. Here is an overview of the visualization utilities available in the Simscape Multibody environment and the roles they play in your modeling workflow.