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Draw circles on Smith Chart



[hsm_out] = circle(rfcktobject,freq,type1,value1,....,typen,valuen,hsm1_out)史密斯圆图创造了指定的圈子ed using thesmithplotfunction. The syntax returns an existingsmithplothandle.

[hlines,hsm] = circle(rfcktobject,freq,type1,value1,....,typen,valuen,hsm_out)draws the specified circles on a Smith chart. This syntax returns vector handles of line objects and handles of the Smith chart.


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Create an amplifier object fromdefault.s2p.

amp = read(rfckt.amplifier,'default.s2p');

Plot the noise figure of the amplifier 1.9 GHz using a Smith chart created usingsmithplotfunction

fc = 1.9e9; h = smithplot
h = smithplot with properties: Data: [] Frequency: [] Show all properties, methods
circle(amp,fc,'Stab','In','Stab','Out','NF',10.396,h); legend('Location','SouthEast')

Input Arguments

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RF Toolbox rfckt object, specified as an object handle,

Single frequency point of interest, specified as a scalar in Hz.

Data Types:double

Type value pairs specifying circles to plots, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

The following table lists the supported circle type options:

type Definition
'Ga' Constant available power gain circle
'Gp' Constant operating power gain circle
'Stab' Stability circle
'NF' Constant noise figure circle
'R' Constant resistance circle
'X' Constant reactance circle
'G' Constant conductance circle
'B' Constant susceptance circle
'Gamma' Constant reflection magnitude circle

The following table lists the circle value options:

value Definition
'Ga' Scalar or vector of gains in dB
'Gp' Scalar or vector of gains in dB
'Stab' 'in'or'source'for input/source stability circle;'out'or'load'for output/load stability circle
'NF' Scalar or vector of noise figures in dB
'R' Scalar or vector of normalized resistance
'X' Scalar or vector of normalized reactance
'G' 标量或矢量归一化电导
'B' Scalar or vector of normalized susceptance
'Gamma' Scalar or vector of non-negative reflection magnitude

Data Types:char|string

Existing Smith chart handle created usingsmithplotfunction, specified as an object handle. You can obtain the object handle usinghsm1 = smithplot('gco').

Existing Smith chart handle, specified as an object handle.

Output Arguments

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Line objects for circle specifications, returned as a vector of line handles.

Smith chart, returned as an object handle.

Smith chart created usingsmithplotfunction, returned as an object handle.

Version History

Introduced in R2007b