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c= getevalionationParameter(mnobj)返回当前用于等级和通过或失败匹配网络的评估参数表。


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Show the evaluation parameters of a default matching network.

matchnet = matchingnetwork; c = getEvaluationParameters(matchnet)
c=1×6 tableParameter Comparison Goal Band Weight Source _________ __________ ______ ________________________ ______ _____________ {'Gt'} {'>'} {[-3]} {[950000000 1.0500e+09]} {[1]} {'Automatic'}

Create a dipole antenna and create the S-parameters of the antenna. This example requires Antenna Toolbox.

d = dipole('长度', 0.103,'Width',0.0022); freq = linspace(0.5e9,2.5e9,1001); sd = sparameters(d, freq);

Alternatively, load S-Parameters from the MAT file


Create a matching network from the S-parameters.

n =匹配网络('loadimpedance',sd,'Components',3,...'LoadedQ'7'CenterFrequency',2e9);

Get the evaluation parameters of the network.

t = getEvaluationParameters(n)
t=1×6 tableParameter Comparison Goal Band Weight Source _________ __________ ______ _________________________ ______ _____________ {'Gt'} {'>'} {[-3]} {[1.8571e+09 2.1429e+09]} {[1]} {'Automatic'}

Plot the reflection coefficient and transducer gain of the matching network circuit 1 , at a frequency range of 1 GHz to 2.5 GHz.

rfplot(n, (1e9:0.001e9:2.5e9),1);

图1包含轴对象。The axes object with title Performance for Circuit 1 ('auto_6') (Passed) contains 3 objects of type line, rectangle. These objects represent Circuit 1: |gammain|, dB, Circuit 1: |Gt|, dB.

添加新的评估参数以比较换能器增益的截止值小于-10 dB。使用0.5 GHz至1.5 GHz的频率范围。绘制比较。

n = addEvaluationParameter(n,'Gt','<', -10, [0.5e9 1.5e9], 1); t = getEvaluationParameters(n)
t=2×6表Parameter Comparison Goal Band Weight Source _________ __________ _______ _________________________ ______ __________________ {'Gt'} {'>'} {[ -3]} {[1.8571e+09 2.1429e+09]} {[1]} {'Automatic' } {'Gt'} {'<'} {[-10]} {[ 500000000 1.5000e+09]} {[1]} {'User-specified'}
rfplot(n, (1e9:0.001e9:2.5e9),1);

图1包含轴对象。带有电路1的标题性能的轴对象('auto_8')(传递)包含4个类型的类型,矩形。这些物体表示电路1:|凝刀|,DB,电路1:| GT |,DB。

Clear evaluation parameters.

n = clearEvaluationParameter(n,1); t = getEvaluationParameters(n)
t=1×6 tableParameter Comparison Goal Band Weight Source _________ __________ _______ ________________________ ______ __________________ {'Gt'} {'<'} {[-10]} {[500000000 1.5000e+09]} {[1]} {'User-specified'}

Input Arguments

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Matching network, specified as a匹配网络目的。

Data Types:char|string

Output Arguments

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Evaluation parameters currently used to rank and pass or fail matching networks, returned as a table.

Introduced in R2019a