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Plot simulation results in one figure



sbioplot(sd)plots each simulation run fromsd, aSimDataobject or array of objects, in the same figure. The plot is a time plot of each state insd. The figure also shows a hierarchical display of all the runs as different nodes in a tree, and you can select which run to display.


sbioplot(sd,fcnHandle,xArgs,yArgs,Name,Value)plots simulation results by calling the function handlefcnHandlewith inputssd,xArgs, andyArgs, and uses additional options specified by one or more name-value pair arguments. For example, you can specify the x-label and y-label of the plot.xArgsandyArgsmust be cell arrays or string vectors of the names of the states to plot.


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Plot the prey versus predator data from the stochastically simulated lotka model by using a custom function (plotXY).

Load the model. Set the solver type to SSA to perform stochastic simulations, and set the stop time to 3.

sbioloadprojectlotka; cs = getconfigset(m1); cs.SolverType ='SSA'; cs.StopTime = 3; rng('default')% For reproducibility

Set the number of runs and usesbioensemblerunfor simulation.

numRuns = 2; sd = sbioensemblerun(m1,numRuns);

Plot the simulation data. By default,sbioplotshows the time plot of each species for each run.


图包含一个坐标轴对象。坐标轴对象with title States versus Time, xlabel Time, ylabel States contains 8 objects of type line. These objects represent Run 1 - x, Run 1 - y1, Run 1 - y2, Run 1 - z, Run 2 - x, Run 2 - y1, Run 2 - y2, Run 2 - z.

Plot selected states against each other; in this case, plot the prey population versus the predator population. Use the functionplotXY(shown at the end of this example) to plot the simulated y1 (prey) data versus the y2 (predator) data. Specify the function as a function handle.

If you use the live script file for this example, theplotXY来电显示n is already included at the end of the file. Otherwise, you must define theplotXY来电显示n at the end of your .m or .mlx file or add it as a file on the MATLAB path.

sbioplot(sd,@plotXY,{'y1'},{'y2'},'xlabel','y1','ylabel','y2','title','Prey versus Predator');

图包含一个坐标轴对象。坐标轴对象with title Prey versus Predator, xlabel y1, ylabel y2 contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Run 1 - y1 vs y2, Run 2 - y1 vs y2.

Define plotXY Function

sbioplot accepts a function handle for a function with the signature:

来电显示n [handles,names] = functionName(sd,xArgs,yArgs).

TheplotXY来电显示n plots two selected states against each other. The first inputsdis the simulation data (SimBiologySimDataobject or vector of objects). In this particular example, xArgs is a cell array containing the name of the species to be plotted on the x-axis, and yArgs is a cell array containing the name of the second species to be plotted on the y-axis. However, you can use the inputs xArgs and yArgs in any way inyourcustom plotting function. The function returns处理, an array of function handles to the line plots, andnames, a cell array of character vectors shown on the nodes that are children of aRunnode in a hierarchical display.

来电显示n[handles,names] = plotXY(sd,xArgs,yArgs)% Select simulation data for each state from each run.xData1 = selectbyname(sd(1),xArgs); xData2 = selectbyname(sd(2),xArgs); yData1 = selectbyname(sd(1),yArgs); yData2 = selectbyname(sd(2),yArgs);% Plot the species against each other.fH1 = plot(xData1.Data,yData1.Data); fH2 = plot(xData2.Data,yData2.Data);% The first output, handles, is a two-dimensional array of handles of the line plots. It must be of size M x N,% where M is the number of line plots for each run and N is the number of runs.处理= [fH1,fH2];% The second output, names, must be a one-dimensional cell array of character vectors.% Its length must be equal to the number of rows in handles, and the texts are displayed on the% nodes that are children of a Run node.names = {'y1 vs y2'};end

Input Arguments

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Simulation results, specified as aSimDataobject or vector ofSimDataobjects.

This argument corresponds to the first input of the function referenced byfcnHandle.


Function to generate line plots, specified as a function handle. For an example of a custom function to plot selected species from simulation data, seePlot Selected States from Simulation Data.

The function must have the signature:

来电显示n [handles,names] = functionName(sd,xArgs,yArgs).

The inputssd,xArgs, andyArgsare the same inputs that you pass in when you callsbioplot.

The first output处理is a two-dimensional array of handles of the line plots generated by the function. Its size must beP-by-R, wherePis the number of line plots, andRis the number of runs.

The second outputnamesis a one-dimensional cell array of character vectors containing the names to be displayed on the nodes that are children of aRunnode in a hierarchical display. The length ofnamesmust be equal to the number of rows in处理.


Data Types:来电显示n_handle

State names to plot, specified as a string vector or cell array of character vectors. For instance, you can usexArgsto represent the states to be plotted on thex-axis of your custom plot.

This argument corresponds to the second input of the function referenced byfcnHandle.


Data Types:cell

State names to plot, specified as a string vector or cell array of character vectors. For instance, you can useyArgsto represent the states to be plotted on they-axis of your custom plot.

This argument corresponds to the third input of the function referenced byfcnHandle.


Data Types:cell

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments asName1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, whereNameis the argument name andValueis the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and encloseNamein quotes.

Example:'title','Species X versus Species Y'specifies the axes title of the plot.

Axes title, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'title'and character vector or string.

Example:'title','Prey versus Predator'

Data Types:char|string

Label for thex-axis of the plot, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'xlabel'and a character vector or string.


Data Types:char|string

Label for they-axis of the plot, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'ylabel'and a character vector or string.


Data Types:char|string

Version History

Introduced in R2008a

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See Also
