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Specify whether custom金宝appToolstrip component persists acrossMATLAB年代essions



年代lPersistToolstripComponent(component,persistence)年代pecifies whether to add the path for the specified custom Simulink®Toolstrip component to the list of paths to restore for each MATLAB®年代ession.


collapse all

Suppose you create a custom tab that you want to remain in the Simulink Toolstrip the next time you open Simulink.

Specify that the component persists in future MATLAB sessions. For example, specify that a component namedcustompersists across sessions. In the MATLAB Command Window, enter:


Input Arguments

collapse all

Name of component to persist across sessions, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types:char|年代tring

Option for component to persist across sessions, specified astrueorfalse.

Data Types:logical

Version History

Introduced in R2021b