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Start金宝appwithout opening any windows



start_simulinkstarts Simulink®without opening any models, the Start Page, or the Simulink Library Browser. Use this in startup scripts to start Simulink without any other window taking the focus away from the MATLAB®Desktop. For example, usestart_simulinkin the MATLABstartup.mfile, when starting MATLAB with the-r命令行选项,或公关oject startup scripts. Opening a model for the first time in a MATLAB session is much quicker after runningstart_simulink.

If you want to open the Simulink Start Page to create or open models, use the金宝appfunction instead.

If you want to open the Library Browser, useslLibraryBrowser.


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Use the-rcommand line option to start Simulink when starting MATLAB, without opening any windows.

On Windows®, create a desktop shortcut with the following target:

matlabroot\bin\win64\matlab.exe -r start_simulink

On Linux®andMac, enter:

Introduced in R2015b