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您可以使用仪表盘指标来识别克隆es across a model hierarchy. Clones are identical MATLAB Function blocks, identical Stateflow charts, and subsystems that have identical block types and connections. Clones can have different parameter settings and values. To replace clones with links to library blocks, you can open the Clone Detector app from the Metrics Dashboard.

Use the Clone Detector app to refactor a model, improve model componentization and readability, and reuse components within a model. In this example, you launch the Clone Detector from the Metrics Dashboard. However, you can also open it by opening the应用标签和单击克隆探测器

Identify and Replace Clones with Links to Library Blocks

  1. In the建筑学部分,实际重复使用小部件中的蓝条指示链接的库块的子组件总数的比例。停下来实际重复使用小部件以查看更多信息。对于此模型,子组件总数的10%是链接的库块。

  2. To see more details, click the blue bar.系统滞后,,,,油门命令,,,,andcheckrange是链接的库块。

  3. Return to the main dashboard page.

  4. In the建筑学部分,潜在的重用bar indicates that the model contains clones. Pause over潜在的重用。对于此模型,7%的子组件是克隆。

  5. 要查看更多详细信息,请单击黄色条。压力。map_estimateand油门。Throttle_estimate是彼此的克隆。

  6. 要确定这些克隆是否是候选链接库块替换的候选者,请单击打开转换工具

    克隆探测器app opens as a new tab in the model.

  7. In theClone Detection Actions and Resultspane, click theMap Clone Groups to Library标签。


  8. 扩展克隆组。


  9. 确定参数差异,在块差异列,单击查看参数差异


  10. In theMap Clone Groups to Library标签,用于Library to place clones参数,使用Browse按钮选择库或指定新的库名称。如果指定新库名称,则该应用程序将创建库。

  11. Save the model to your working folder and, in the克隆探测器选项卡,单击Replace Clones。如果可能的话,该应用程序用指向蒙版库子系统的链接替换了类似的克隆。

    In theLogs选项卡,单击最新日志。


  12. 关闭the Metrics Dashboard and the model.

When the Clone Detector app refactors a model to replace clones with links to library blocks, the app creates a backup folder. The backup folder name has the prefixm2m_<模型名称>。如果你有金宝app®Test™license, you can verify the equivalency of the refactored and original models by clicking检查等效性in the克隆探测器标签。



Task 参考



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