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Vehicle network communication using J1939 protocol

创建J1939参数组s and channels to transmit over a CAN network using MATLAB®or Simulink®.


你不能在Linux上运行®any Simulink models that contain blocks from the Vehicle Network Toolbox™ J1939 Communication block library.


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canDatabase Create handle to CAN database file
j1939Channel Create J1939 CAN channel
configbusspeed Configure bit timing of J1939 channel
start Start channel connection to J1939 bus
stop Stop channel connection to J1939 bus
receive Receive parameter groups from J1939 bus
transmit Send parameter groups via channel to J1939 bus
discard 丢弃J1939通道上的可用参数组
filterAllowAll Open parameter group filters on J1939 channel
filterAllowOnly Allow only specified parameter groups to pass J1939 channel filter
filterBlockOnly Block only specified parameter groups on J1939 channel filter
canDatabase Create handle to CAN database file
j1939ParameterGroup 创建J1939参数组
j1939ParameterGroupImport Import J1939 log file
extractAll 指定J1939参数组的出现
extractRecent Occurrences of most recent J1939 parameter groups
extractTime Occurrences of J1939 parameter groups within time range


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j1939.Channel Properties Properties of thej1939.Channelobject
j1939.ParameterGroup Properties Properties of thej1939.ParameterGroupobject


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J1939 Network Configuration Define J1939 network configuration name and database file
J1939 Node Configuration Configure J1939 node with address and network management attributes
J1939 CAN Transport Layer Transport J1939 messages via CAN
J1939 Transmit Transmit J1939 message
J1939收到 Receive J1939 parameter group messages


J1939 Interface

J1939 is a high-level protocol built on the CAN bus that provides serial data communication between electronic control units (ECUs) in heavy-duty vehicles.

J1939 Parameter Group Format

The application layer deals with parameter groups (PGs) sent and received over the network.

J1939 Network Management

Each device on a J1939 network has a unique address.

J1939 Transport Protocols


J1939 Channel Workflow

Diagram to transmit and receive J1939 parameter groups.

MathWorks Virtual Channels

模拟Virtual Can频道提供工具箱。

Supported Block Features


Featured Examples