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Add User Info field to WLAN MAC trigger frame



cfgUpdated= addUserInfo(cfgtrigger,cfgUser)adds the User Info field specified by configuration objectcfgUserto the MAC trigger frame parameterized by configuration objectcfgtriggerby updating theUserInfoproperty ofcfgtrigger. The updated MAC trigger frame configuration object,cfgUpdated, contains the updatedUserInfoproperty and all other property values ofcfgtrigger.

When you first create awlanMACTriggerConfigobject, theUserInfo属性包含与默认值相对应的单个用户信息字段wlanmactriggeruserconfig目的。The first User Info field you add by using this object function overwrites the default User Info field. The function appends subsequent User Info fields that you add to theUserInfoproperty.

For more information on the trigger frame format, see section of[1]


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Create a basic MAC trigger frame to carry information for two users.

Create a MAC trigger frame-body configuration object, specifying a channel bandwidth of 40 MHz.

cfgtrigger= wlanMACTriggerConfig(ChannelBandwidth="CBW40");

Create configuration objects for the User Info fields of the trigger frame.

cfgUser1 = wlanMACTriggerUserConfig(AID12=1,...RUSize=242,RUIndex=1); cfgUser2 = wlanMACTriggerUserConfig(AID12=2,...RUSize=242,RUIndex=2);

Add the User Info fields to the trigger frame.

cfgtrigger= addUserInfo(cfgTrigger,cfgUser1); cfgTrigger = addUserInfo(cfgTrigger,cfgUser2);

Configure the trigger frame by creating a MAC frame-body configuration object, specifying the frame type and the trigger frame-body configuration.

cfgMAC = wlanMACFrameConfig(FrameType="Trigger",...triggerConfig = cfgtrigger);

通过创建默认的非HT配置对象来指定非HT PHY配置。

cfgPHY = wlanNonHTConfig;

Create the MAC trigger frame and display its length.

[frame,frameLength] = wlanMACFrame(cfgMAC,cfgPHY); disp(frameLength)

Input Arguments

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WLAN MAC trigger frame configuration, specified as awlanMACTriggerConfig目的。


Output Arguments

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WLAN MAC触发帧配置,返回为wlanMACTriggerConfig目的。This output contains all property values of thecfgtriggerinput but with theUserInfoproperty updated to contain the User Info field specified by thecfgUserinput.


[1]IEEE Std 802.11ax™-2021 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11™-2020). “Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications. Amendment 1: Enhancements for High Efficiency WLAN.” IEEE Standard for Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. Local and metropolitan area networks — Specific requirements.

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