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Generate a Presentation From the Results of a MATLAB Application

This example shows how to use the MATLAB® API for PowerPoint® (PPT API) to generate a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation from the results of a MATLAB application. The example generates a presentation from the results of an application that predicts the United States population. Here are the slides that the example generates:

Create the Presentation

Import the PPT package so that you do not have to use long, fully qualified names.


To facilitate deleting the images that the example generates, create a cell array to hold the images.

images = {};

Create a presentation, using the default template.

ppt = Presentation('population.pptx'); open(ppt);

Add Slides to the Presentation

PowerPoint presentations consist of slides that are created from predefined layouts. The layouts contain placeholders that you fill with generated content. The predefined layouts belong to a template slide master that defines the styles.

Add the first slide to the presentation, using theTitle Slidelayout.

slide1 = add(ppt,'Title Slide');

Replace the title and subtitle in the slide by using the replace method.

replace(slide1,'Title','Modeling the US Population'); replace(slide1,'Subtitle','A Risky Business');

Add the second slide to the presentation using theTitle and Contentlayout. Replace the title.

slide2 = add(ppt,'Title and Content'); replace(slide2,'Title','Population Modeling Approach');

Add text to theContentplaceholder using a cell array.

replace(slide2,'Content',{...'Fit polynomial to U.S. Census data'...'Use polynomials to extrapolate population growth'...['Based on "Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations",'...' by Forsythe, Malcolm and Moler, published by Prentice-Hall in 1977']...'Varying polynomial degree shows riskiness of approach'});

Add the third slide to the presentation using theTitle and Contentlayout. Replace the title.

slide3 = add(ppt,'Title and Content'); replace(slide3,'Title','US Census data from 1900 to 2000');

Create a plot of US census data from 1910 to 2000.

% Time intervalt = (1910:10:2000)';% Populationp = [91.972 105.711 123.203 131.669 150.697...179.323 203.212 226.505 249.633 281.422]';% Plotfig1 = figure; plot(t,p,'bo'); axis([1910 2020 0 400]); title('Population of the U.S. 1910-2000'); ylabel('Millions');

Convert the plot to an image. Add the image to the list of images to be deleted at the end of presentation generation. You must not delete the images until after you close the presentation.

img1 ='plot1.png'; saveas(fig1,img1);

images = [images {img1}];

Replace theContentplaceholder with the image.


Add the fourth slide to the presentation using theComparisonlayout. Use this slide to show a comparison of the cubic and quartic extrapolations of the population data.

slide4 = add(ppt,'Comparison'); replace(slide4,'Title','Polynomial Degree Changes Extrapolation');

Compute the coefficients for a polynomial approximation of the population data.

n = length(t); s = (t-1950)/50; A = zeros(n); A(:,end) = 1;forj = n-1:-1:1 A(:,j) = s .* A(:,j+1);endc = A(:,n-3:n)\p;

Replace theLeft Textplaceholder with text.

replace(slide4,'Left Text','Cubic extrapolation');

Compute the cubic extrapolation.

v = (1910:2020)'; x = (v-1950)/50; w = (2010-1950)/50; y = polyval(c,x); z = polyval(c,w); fig2 = figure; holdonplot(v,y,'k-'); plot(2010,z,'ks'); text(2010,z+15,num2str(z)); holdoff

Create an image from the plot and add the image to the list of images to be deleted.

img2 ='plot2.png'; saveas(fig2,img2);

images = [images {img2}];

Replace theLeft Contentplaceholder with the image.

replace(slide4,'Left Content',Picture(img2));

Replace theRight Textplaceholder with text.

replace(slide4,'Right Text','Quartic extrapolation');

Compute the quartic extrapolation.

c = A(:,n-4:n)\p; y = polyval(c,x); z = polyval(c,w); fig3 = figure; holdonplot(v,y,'k-'); plot(2010,z,'ks'); text(2010,z-15,num2str(z)); holdoff

Create an image from the plot, add the image to the list of images to be deleted, and replace theRight Contentplaceholder with the image.

img3 ='plot3.png'; saveas(fig3,img3);

images = [images {img3}]; replace(slide4,'Right Content',Picture(img3));

Add the last slide to the presentation using theTitle and Contentlayout.

slide5 = add(ppt,'Title and Content'); replace(slide5,'Title','As the degree increases, the extrapolation becomes even more erratic');

创建一个阴谋和学位证明creases, the extrapolation becomes even more erratic.

fig4 = figure; cla plot(t,p,'bo') holdonaxis([1910 2020 0 400]) colors = hsv(8); labels = {'data'};ford = 1:8 [Q,R] = qr(A(:,n-d:n)); R = R(1:d+1,:); Q = Q(:,1:d+1); c = R\(Q'*p); y = polyval(c,x); z = polyval(c,11); plot(v,y,'color',colors(d,:)); labels{end+1} = ['degree = 'int2str(d)];endlegend(labels,'Location','NorthWest') holdoff

Create an image from the plot and replace theContentplaceholder with the image.

img4 ='plot4.png'; saveas(fig4,img4);

images = [images {img4}]; replace(slide5,'Content',Picture(img4));

Close and View the Presentation

close(ppt); rptview(ppt);

Delete the Images

When the presentation closes, the images are copied into the presentation. Now, you can delete the images.

len = length(images);fori = 1:len delete(images{i});end

See Also


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