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Airframe Trim and Linearize with Control System Toolbox

This example shows how to trim and linearize an airframe in the Simulink® environment using the Control System Toolbox™ software

Designing an autopilot with classical design techniques requires linear models of the airframe pitch dynamics for several trimmed flight conditions. The MATLAB® technical computing environment can determine the trim conditions and derive linear state-space models directly from the nonlinear Simulink and Aerospace Blockset™ model. This step saves time and helps to validate the model. The Control System Toolbox functions allow you to visualize the motion of the airframe in terms of open-loop frequency or time responses.

Initialize Guidance Model

The first problem is to find the elevator deflection, and the resulting trimmed body rate (q), which will generate a given incidence value when the missile is traveling at a set speed. Once the trim condition is found, a linear model can be derived for the dynamics of the perturbations in the states around the trim condition.


Define State Values

h_ini = 10000/m2ft;% Trim Height [m]M_ini = 3;% Trim Mach Numberalpha_ini = -10*d2r;% Trim Incidence [rad]theta_ini = 0*d2r;% Trim Flightpath Angle [rad]v_ini = M_ini*(340+(295-340)*h_ini/11000);%总速度[m/s]q_ini = 0;% Initial pitch Body Rate [rad/sec]

Find Names and Ordering of States from Simulink® Model

[sizes,x0,names]=aeroblk_guidance_airframe([],[],[],'尺寸'); state_names = cell(1,numel(names));fori = 1:numel(names) n = max(strfind(names{i},'/')); state_names{i}=names{i}(n+1:end);end

Specify Which States to Trim and Which States Remain Fixed

fixed_states = [{'U,w'} {“θ”} {'Position'}]; fixed_derivatives = [{'U,w'} {'q'}];% w and qfixed_outputs = [];% Velocityfixed_inputs = []; n_states=[];n_deriv=[];fori = 1:length(fixed_states) n_states=[n_states find(strcmp(fixed_states{i},state_names))];%#okendfori = 1:length(fixed_derivatives) n_deriv=[n_deriv find(strcmp(fixed_derivatives{i},state_names))];%#okendn_deriv=n_deriv(2:end);% Ignore U

Trim Model

[X_trim,U_trim,Y_trim,DX]=trim('aeroblk_guidance_airframe',x0,0,[0 0 v_ini]',...n_states,fixed_inputs,fixed_outputs,...[],n_deriv)%#ok
X_trim = 1.0e+03 * -0.0002 0 0.9677 -0.1706 0 -3.0480 U_trim = 0.1362 Y_trim = -0.2160 0 DX = 0 -0.2160 -14.0977 0 967.6649 -170.6254

Derive Linear Model and View Frequency Response

[A,B,C,D]=linmod('aeroblk_guidance_airframe',X_trim,U_trim);ifexist('control','dir') airframe = ss(A(n_deriv,n_deriv),B(n_deriv,:),C([2 1],n_deriv),D([2 1],:)); set(airframe,'StateName',state_names(n_deriv),...'InputName',{'Elevator'},...'OutputName',[{'az'} {'q'}));zpk(机身)ltiview ('bode',airframe)end
ans = From input "Elevator" to output... -170.45 s (s+1133) az: ---------------------- (s^2 + 30.04s + 288.9) -194.66 (s+1.475) q: ---------------------- (s^2 + 30.04s + 288.9) Continuous-time zero/pole/gain model.