Kostal Asia研发中心将获得ISO 26262 ASIL D认证,用于开发基于模型设计的汽车软件


Develop automotive electronic steering column lock software and certify it to the highest-level functional safety standard


Use Model-Based Design to design, implement, and verify the application software via back-to-back PIL testing required for ISO 26262 ASIL D certification


  • 开发和认证时间减少了30%
  • 在建模阶段确定的错误的80%
  • PIL test framework for ISO 26262 established

“Using Model-Based Design to design, implement, and verify our software for the highest functional safety standard enabled our team to save costs, increase efficiency, and ensure software quality. Without Model-Based Design, more engineers would be needed to complete the project in the same time frame.”

Cheng Hui, KOSTAL


中国汽车行业的快速增长刺激了人们对更复杂和更成熟的汽车技术的需求。例如,越来越多的OEM开始要求其供应商将产品认证为ISO 26262功能安全标准。下载188bet金宝搏

Kostal集团的子公司Kostal Asia R&D中心最近成为中国第一家获得ISO 26262汽车安全完整性水平(ASIL)D认证的公司。该中心尽管专注于研发,但具有全面的产品开发功能,并负责根据本地客户的要求选择和量身定制工具和方法。Kostal在其电子转向柱锁(ESCL)模块的ISO 26262下获得了最高水平的功能安全认证。该中心的工程师使用基于模型的设计并在Mathworks工程师的支持下设计,开发和测试了ESCL应用程序软件的一部分。金宝app

Kostal Asia R&D R&D中心的平台和流程经理Cheng Hui说:“ Mathworks工程师帮助我们过渡到支持ISO 26262认证的开发过程。”金宝app“使用MATLAB和SIMULINK的基于模型的设计使我们能够通过尽早验金宝app证设计并减少与认证所需的验证,验证和报告任务相关的手动工作来加速开发。”


An automotive ESCL prevents theft by locking the steering wheel when the vehicle is parked. Because of the dangers such a system could cause if it erroneously locked the wheel while the car was moving, ESCL software must be developed to ISO 26262 ASIL D, the highest functional safety standard.

To achieve this goal, KOSTAL needed to fulfill all ISO 26262 ASIL D requirements, including the verification of software via back-to-back testing that includes software-in-the-loop (SIL) and processor-in-the-loop (PIL) tests on the automatically generated code. KOSTAL engineers needed support to rapidly establish the necessary framework.


Kostal使用MATLAB的基于模型的设计®和Sim金宝appulink®开发ESCL应用程序软件并将其证明为ISO 26262 ASIL D.


在simulink和s金宝apptateflow中工作®, KOSTAL engineers developed a model of the ESCL software application layer, which included a finite state machine to define the sequential decision logic.

该小组根据Mathworks汽车咨询委员会(MAAB)指南创建了建模标准,并使用Simulink Check™来确保其模型符合标准。金宝app

他们在Simulink中进行了模拟,以验证设计的金宝app功能,并使用Simulink Coverage™来测量功能测试的模型覆盖率。

使用Simu金宝applink Design Verifier™,他们应用了形式方法来识别模型中的死逻辑和其他设计错误。

工程师们从ESCL模型生成的C代码using Embedded Coder®。They used Polyspace Code Prover™ and Polyspace Bug Finder™ to check the generated code and handwritten code for run-time errors.

They then ran back-to-back PIL tests using the generated code and compared the test results in MATLAB.

To streamline the certification process, the engineers used IEC Certification Kit for ISO 26262 and IEC 61508. They qualified several tools for certification, including Embedded Coder, Simulink Coverage, Polyspace Bug Finder, and Polyspace Code Prover.

ESCL是ISO 26262 ASIL D认证,已获得中国最大的汽车制造商之一的生产批准。现在,基于模型的设计是需要在科斯塔尔进行功能安全认证的项目的首选方法。


  • 开发和认证时间减少了30%。Hui说:“如果没有基于模型的设计,我们将至少需要30%的时间来开发和证明ESCL应用程序软件。”“我们通过生成满足我们所有速度和内存要求的有效代码来节省时间和精力。”
  • 在建模阶段确定的80%的错误。“Using Model-Based Design, we identified and resolved 80% of logic and functional errors in the model development and simulation phase,” Hui says. “This early verification, combined with Polyspace static analysis, saved considerable validation and testing effort.”
  • 建立了ISO 26262的PIL测试框架。“我们为应用程序软件使用基于模型的设计。根据ISO 26262,应使用PIL测试自动生成的代码。Mathworks工程师在建立背靠背的PIL测试框架方面为我们提供了出色的支持。” Hui说。金宝app“该框架有助于我们按计划获得ISO 26262认证的能力。”