
Requirements Traceability


Create requirement links to establish traceability to model elements, test cases, test harnesses, MATLAB®代码行、数据字典ionaries, Stateflow®elements, System Composer™ architecture models, and other requirements. Specify the link type to convey the nature of the relationship, such as a model element that implements a functional requirement or a test harness that verifies a test specification requirement. Create custom requirement and link types to extend the default linking capabilities.

Use theRequirements Editorto create and view links, and use the Requirements Perspective to view requirements in the model context.


Requirements Editor Create and edit requirements


slreq.linkset. 使用链接集
slreq.Link Work with link objects


setDestination Set requirement link destination
SetSource. Set requirement link source


slreq.cmConfigureVersion Set version of linked requirements documents
slreq.cmGetVersion Get configured version of linked requirements documents
slreq.clear 清除内存的要求和链接
slreq.closeRequirementsManager Close Requirements Manager app in model
slreq.createLink Create traceable links
slreq.find Find requirement, reference, and link set artifacts
slreq.generateTraceabilityDiagram 创建可追溯性图
slreq.generatetraceabilitymatrix. Create traceability matrix
slreq.getExternalURL Get navigation URL for link source or destination, requirement, test or金宝appmodel element
slreq.getTraceabilityMatrixOptions Create options structure for traceability matrix
slreq.inlinks. Get incoming links for requirement or other linkable item
slreq.load Load requirement set or link set
slreq.openRequirementsManager Open Requirements Manager app in model
slreq.outLinks Get outgoing links for a block or other linkable item
slreq.refreshCustomizations RegisterRequirements Toolboxcustomizations
slreq.show Navigate to link source or destination
slreq.structToObj 将链接源或目标信息从结构转换为模型对象类型



Customize Links

Visualize, Manage, and Troubleshoot Links

Link with Third-Party Applications