
Mathieu NOE


Last seen: 20일 전|2015 이후 활성

Engineer - mechanices /ekectronics / signal processing Average matlab user for 20 years now. Professional Interests: signal processing, adaptive control, noise and vibration processing


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답변 있음
How to cut data after defined number of peaks?
hello Hannah here you are - blue start / end points defined by your preferred peakseek function NB : the blue points are not a...

19일 전 | 0


답변 있음
Question about using the "fit_mutiple_gaussians" from File Exchange
here the code a bit simplified but the results with a 4 gaussian model does not really fit well. I think this come mostly from...

20일 전 | 0


답변 있음
How can I find the angle (from the vertical) between two points?
hello jeremy small typo in your code the angle is given by : atand((x1-x2)/(y1-y2)) and not atand((x1-x2)-(y1-y2)) so...

20일 전 | 0

답변 있음
filtering data inside a table and storing multiple tables in one big table
hello you can probably make the all process much simpler with only one main for loop (iteration over the files) and one if con...

21일 전 | 0


답변 있음
getting the index after comparing two logicals
hello see code below : a = logical([1 0 0 0 1]) b = logical([0 0 0 0 1]) c = a & b col_c_is_one = find(c) gives the fol...

21일 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to plot these types of plot?
hello see my demo below. Change the profile and data scaling accorsing to your needs hope it helps figure(3) plot : code ...

21일 전 | 0


답변 있음
Interpolating(or averaging) Time series curves
hello in your case it's fairly simple as both blue and red curves have exactly the same y values (but for different x) so yo...

22일 전 | 1


답변 있음
signal processing of real time signal
hello again !! FYI this is simple code for time domain acceleration to velocity / displacement integration (data file attached)...

22일 전 | 0


답변 있음
Assign custom interval to the color map z axis of a surf plot
hello try my little demo the colorbar is "frozen" so that ticks / tickslabels do not vary acccording to data range. In other...

26일 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to filter breath noise in audio?
hello i opted for a strategy based on the spectrogram content. I noticed that the "breathing" sections are characterized by a ...

28일 전 | 1


답변 있음
How to plot it?
hello simply replace the negative values of b by NaN so the vector size remains the same a=[1;2;3;4;5]; b= [-10;10;0;20;-20]...

28일 전 | 1

답변 있음
Count impulses into sequence of impulses and segments of sequences of impulses from signal
hello again so this is my attempt... not maybe the shortest and most efficienct code , but seems to do what I wanted so we ca...

28일 전 | 1


답변 있음
How I could solve the for loop problem?
你好,试图修复相当大量的bugill don't understand why you need a second for loop as obviously it could ...

29일 전 | 0


답변 있음
How to create structs with text data
hello check my demo code below : clc clearvars mylines = readlines('exampledata.txt'); % [m,n] = size(mylines); % gr...

약 1달 전 | 0

답변 있음
I need to read a specific column from 30 files in a folder (read the same column from each of them) and plot each column as a line. How can I go about it?
hello Agustina see code below : % use the structure returned by DIR: P = cd; % working directory S = dir(fullfile(P, 'Powe...

약 1달 전 | 1


답변 있음
Create a better plot
hello maybe you want to make an animated line demo : %% create animatedline object / handle figure h1 = animatedline; ...

약 1달 전 | 0


답변 있음
how to calculate fast Fourier transform with a 128-point window on these data with non-uniform sampling frequency
你好,看到我的建议下面的结果is in Area clc clearvars load('DATA3.mat'); t3 = data3(:,1); %% uniform re...

약 1달 전 | 0


답변 있음
How to cut ASCII file with matlab ?
hello Mathieu this would be my suggestion - create a structure with field names taken from your data file - See the function...

약 1달 전 | 0


답변 있음
How to extract the maximum value of an area of a figure?
hello so your data is a matrix (hrms) what is the dimension of hrms ? you are probably confused between the range of that y...

약 1달 전 | 0

답변 있음
Find maximum in graphic
hello following this example : A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] [M,ind] = max(A,[],'all','linear') % max value of matrix [row,col] = in...

약 1달 전 | 0


답변 있음
data extraction from f06 file
hello my friend here you are the result is stored in Result_c clc clearvars fileID = fopen('flutter_2d_rh_wing_base.f0...

약 1달 전 | 0


답변 있음
How to fill missing frequency response data at the beginning and end?
Nathan as said above, here the full code : %% playgroundFillGaps clc;clear;close;format compact; format short g; newFs = ...

약 1달 전 | 0


답변 있음
I am trying to write a function to calculate frequency of a signal by comparing values to a threshold.
hello FYI demo with constant and non constant signals period are computed by getting the threshold crossing time data hop...

약 1달 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to print line from txt file based off of keywords
hello seems I have already seen that question in the recent past .... %%%%%%%% main code %%%%%%%%% clc clearvars filenam...

약 2달 전 | 1

답변 있음
Extracting multiple row values (with unequal range) in a column separately
hello try this : clc;clear all a = readmatrix('saf_wind.csv'); ind_header = find(isnan(a)); % lines with 'P DEW' (seperate...

약 2달 전 | 1


답변 있음
Correlation coefficient calculation error
hello seems to me the code could be made simpler, why the need to make all this cell acrobatics ? clear;clc;close all S = l...

약 2달 전 | 0


답변 있음
Error: File: frelay_oldOf_09Jun2022_MINLP.m Line: 434 Column: 1 Illegal use of reserved keyword "end".
hi see the line : out_tbn=[tb1n tb2n tb3n tb4n tb5n..... is missing a closing bracket

약 2달 전 | 0

답변 있음
Find flat regions in a signal above origin (time series data)
hello IMHO, you don't need the peaks code (and the for loop) to make the low amplitude signals to zero you can do it directly...

약 2달 전 | 0


답변 있음
Surface roughness analysis from raw data
hello this is a starter , to do the spectral analysis of your data then you can use some low / high or bandpass filters to f...

약 2달 전 | 0

답변 있음
Issue with locating end of poorly defined peak
hello again tried this - does it help ? load('iso.mat') curve = 10; % which curve do you want to plot ? data = per...

약 2달 전 | 0

