Functional form of the colon (:) operator?

113 views (last 30 days)
Knut on 18 Sep 2012
Commented: Royi Avital on 15 Jan 2019
This is a post about "how to write neat, efficient, readable MATLAB code". I get the job done by doing work-arounds, but I would rather not do those.
Assume that a, b are two vectors of unknown orientation, and we want to compute something similar to the dot-product.
It might look something like this:
函数y = myfunc(a,b)
//make surethat vectors are oriented the same way
y = a(:) .* b(:);
But what if I need to calculate y for elements 2:N? We might do something like this, but I think it clutters the code:
函数y = myfunc(a,b)
a = a(2:end)
b = b(2:end)
y = a(:) .* b(:);
I am wishing for a functional form of the colon operator that might look something like this:
函数y = myfunc(a,b)
y = colon(a(2:end)) .* colon(b(2:end));

Accepted Answer

José-Luis on 18 Sep 2012
函数y = myfunc(a,b)
//make surethat vectors are oriented the same way
y = reshape(a(2:end),[],1) .* reshape(b(2:end),[],1);
1 Comment
Jan on 10 Oct 2017
Nice, short, efficient: I have accepted this answer.

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More Answers (3)

Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub on 18 Sep 2012
I thought that squeeze would do what you want, but apparently it doesn't "work" on row vectors. What would be nice is if squeeze had a row flag. Barring that, you can easily create your own colon function. From
it should be obvious what you need to change.

Royi Avital
Royi Avital on 10 Oct 2017
I really wish MATLAB would add function to vectorize arrays into column vector as the colon operator does.
Royi Avital
Royi Avital on 15 Jan 2019
@Jan, I find something like vec(A) to be much more elegant.

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Jan on 10 Oct 2017
What's wrong with:
y = x(:)
reshape(x, [], 1)
There is a functional form of the x(:) operator:
subsref (x,结构('type','()',“潜艇”, {{“:”}}))
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 17 Oct 2018
Sometimes it is easiest to define an auxillary function, such as
column = @(M) M(:);
after which you can
列((2:end)) .* column(b(2:end))

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