
1 view (last 30 days)
Murat Panayirci
Murat Panayirci on 26 Nov 2020
Answered: Raunak Gupta on 5 Dec 2020
Hi everyone,
I have a question regarding the efficiency of accessing arrays in matlab. Below you can see a screenshot taken from profiler. I thought it was a little bit surprising that lines 22-23 takes a fraction of lines 26-27. I realize that I am accessing more element of the array, however I would not expect the difference to be this much.
I would be glad if you could advise me on any methods or tricks which could be helpful to improve the efficiency?
thank you,

Answers (1)

Raunak Gupta
Raunak Gupta on 5 Dec 2020
Hi Murat ,
As I can understand from Line 22-23, Mposition / Mvelocity are 2-D matrix and returned VpositionA / VvelocityA a re 1-D vectors. Since in Line 26-27 the same Mposition / Mvelocity is used in array indexing but here VindexB is an 1-D array rather than scalar value i , that is why the returned MpositionB/MvelocityB will be again a 2-D array rather than 1-D vector. I assume the size of VindexB is significantly greater than 1, that is why there is scaling of 10-15 times in time taken.
Here since the size of returned variable is different (1-D vs 2-D) in both set of lines, therefore we cannot compare the time taken. In my opinion if you are no t thinking of using parfor then array indexing will work fine.




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