How do I tune PID Controllers for a physical, non-linear PMSM Simscape plant?

6 views (last 30 days)
I would like to tune the PID controllers in the Three-Phase PMSM or PMLSM example models (linked below), which feature physical plants modeled in Simscape Electrical. I believe these physical plants are non-linear because of their Converter blocks, and thus I cannot use the typical linearization workflow to tune my controllers. Is there another workflow I can use?

Accepted Answer

它是possible to tune controllers of physical systems modeled in Simscape using a Closed-Loop or Open-Loop PID Autotuner block. The Closed-Loop and Open-Loop PID Autotuner blocks let you tune a PID controller in real time against a physical plant for which you have an initial PID controller that yields a stable loop. The plant remains under closed-loop control of the initial PID controller during the entire autotuning process. The block can tune the PID controller to achieve a specified bandwidth and phase margin without a parametric plant model.
Some models may require modifications in order to be used with this workflow. We have several examples in our documentation for PID Autotuning. Both of the models linked below feature Simscape plants, and both documentation pages provide more information on the PID Autotuning workflow. The example model in the second link contains a PMSM in the plant.
Here is a link to the block documentation for the Open-Loop and Closed-Loop PID Autotuner blocks:

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