Why does not the command of PolySpace Flexnet License Manager work fine on 64bit Linux Operating system?

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我未能执行PolySpace Flexnet许可证法力ger on 64bit Linux Operating system due to an error loading shared libraries.
For example, Ubuntu 64bit shows the error below.
./lmutil: errorwhileloading sharedlibraries: libgcc_s.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 9 Aug 2012
This issue is from running a 32bit license manager on 64bit Linux. The PolySpace ISO image does not contain 64bit binaries for the License Manager. To resolve this issue, please install 32bit system libraries.
On an Ubuntu 64-bit Linux machine, to work around this issue, install the package "ia32-libs" from your Linux distribution:
apt-get installia32-libs
Under other Linux releases, the command can be different. On a Red Hat 64-bit Linux machine, this installation can be accomplished by executing the following command in a shell:
yuminstall glibc-devel.i386

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