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version (5.42 KB) by Brian Katz
Extend the functionality of boxplot to allow for color, filled, and overlay options.


Updated31 Aug 2012

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Several modifications to the standard boxplot/boxutil to allow for multiple box plots to be overlayed. In addition, standard line color and line width selection is available, as well as the filled option. This allows for color coding multiple box plots and overlaying. Requires boxplotC and boxutilC. Reverse compatible with standard boxplot syntax.

Note: This function is no longer supported. Please see BOXPLOTCSUB for maintained functionality.


Cite As

Brian Katz (2022).boxplotC(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R12
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired by:Hatched Fill Patterns

Inspired:boxplotCsub (boxplotC)

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