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Multipage TIFF stack

version (8.28 KB) by YoonOh Tak
Much faster than 'imwrite' and supports complex number images.


Updated18 Oct 2019

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function res = saveastiff(data, path, options)
: true or FALSE
: If this is true, third dimension should be 3 and the data is saved as a color image.
: 'no', 'lzw', 'jpeg' or 'adobe'.
Compression type.
'no' : Uncompressed(Default)
'lzw' : lossless LZW
'jpeg' : lossy JPEG (When using JPEG compression, ImageWidth,
ImageLength, and RowsPerStrip must be multiples of 16.)
'adobe' : lossless Adobe-style
: JPEG compression qualtiy. A value between 1.0 and 100.0
: TRUE or false.
If this is false, all messages are skipped.
: true or FALSE
If path is exist, the data is appended to an existing file.
If path is not exist, this options is ignored.
: true or FALSE
Overwrite to an existing file.
: true or FALSE,
Use 64 bit addressing and allows for files > 4GB

Defalut value of 'options' is
选项。颜色= false;
选项。compress = 'no';
选项。message = true;
选项。append = false;
选项。overwrite = false;
选项。big = false;

res : Return value. It is 0 when the function is finished with no error.
If an error is occured in the function, it will have a positive
number (error code).

Cite As

YoonOh Tak (2021).Multipage TIFF stack(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2010a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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