Dynamical Model of Soft Robot Manipulator 3DOF

The code simulate a free-response of a 3-DOF soft robot manipulator. Moreover, code produces an animation to illustrate the deformation.


Updated15 Sep 2018

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The code simulate a free-response of a 3-DOF soft robot manipulator in SIMULINK. After the simulation, the code with plot the state trajectories and generates a video file showing the real-deformation behavior of the backbone of the robot. The dynamical model can be written in the following form:

D(q)ddq + C(q,dq)dq + N(q) + F(dq) = tau.

The control input tau is set to zero, yet the SIMULINK model leaves room for closed-loop control. The novelty of the model is the addition of non-linear stiffness effects that are typically present in hyper-elastic materials undergoing large deformations.

**reference to paper is coming

Cite As

Brandon Caasenbrood (2023).Dynamical Model of Soft Robot Manipulator 3DOF(//www.tatmou.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/68818-dynamical-model-of-soft-robot-manipulator-3dof), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

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Created with R2018b
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Windows macOS Linux
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