
From code examples and how-to videos, to teaching activities, to assessment and auto-grading tools, there are multiple resources and tools to support learning in and out of the classroom. These resources lessen the educators’ workloads.

Whether you’re an individual educator, a member of a department-wide team, or a curriculum developer, these teaching resources can help you effectively teach the triad of science, analytical thinking, and computational skills.

Teach and Learn MATLAB

Get students up-to-speed viaMATLAB Onramp, a free, interactive on-line tutorial.


Faculty and MATLAB experts came together at multiple annual workshops to share and create best practices for teaching science with MATLAB. View the aggregated learnings:

Teaching Science

View resources and outcomes from the workshops, hosted by SERC, focused on Teaching Computation in the Sciences

Teaching Geoscience

    View resources and outcomes from theTeaching Geoscience with MATLABworkshop hosted by SERC

    Case Studies: Teaching with MATLAB

    MATLAB in the Sciences and Downloadable MATLAB code