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Manager for GPU Devices


parallel.gpu.GPUDeviceManagerprovides events that indicate when a GPU device has been selected or deselected. These events also fire when a GPU device is reset. There is only a single instance of theparallel.gpu.GPUDeviceManageravailable in a given MATLAB session, and it is obtained using the methodparallel.gpu.GPUDeviceManager.instance.


Events of the class include the following:

Event Name Description
DeviceSelected Fired after a GPU device is selected.
DeviceDeselecting Fired just before a GPU device is deselected.


AGPUDeviceManagerobject has one property:

Property Name Description
SelectedDevice Contains the currently selected GPU Device.


Methods of the class include the following:

Method Name Description
getDeviceCount Returns the number of GPU devices available.
selectDevice Selects a GPU device.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a