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Curl of vector field



旋度(V,X)returns the旋度of the vector fieldVwith respect to the vectorX. The vector fieldVand the vectorXare both three-dimensional.

旋度(V)returns the curl of the vector fieldVwith respect to the vector of variables returned bysymvar(V,3).


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Compute the curl of this vector field with respect to vectorX= (x,y,z)in Cartesian coordinates.

syms x y z V = [x^3*y^2*z, y^3*z^2*x, z^3*x^2*y]; X = [x y z]; curl(V,X)
ans = x^2*z^3 - 2*x*y^3*z x^3*y^2 - 2*x*y*z^3 - 2*x^3*y*z + y^3*z^2

Compute the curl of the gradient of this scalar function. The curl of the gradient of any scalar function is the vector of 0s.

syms x y z f = x^2 + y^2 + z^2; vars = [x y z]; curl(gradient(f,vars),vars)
ans = 0 0 0

The vector Laplacian of a vector fieldVis defined as follows.

2 V = ( V ) × ( × V )

Compute the vector Laplacian of this vector field using the旋度,divergence, andgradientfunctions.

syms x y z V = [x^2*y, y^2*z, z^2*x]; vars = [x y z]; gradient(divergence(V,vars)) - curl(curl(V,vars),vars)
ans = 2*y 2*z 2*x

Input Arguments

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Input, specified as a three-dimensional vector of symbolic expressions or symbolic functions.

Variables, specified as a vector of three variables

More About

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Curl of a Vector Field

旋度的向量fieldV= (V1,V2,V3)with respect to the vectorX= (X1,X2,X3)in Cartesian coordinates is this vector.

c u r l ( V ) = × V = ( V 3 X 2 V 2 X 3 V 1 X 3 V 3 X 1 V 2 X 1 V 1 X 2 )

Version History

Introduced in R2012a