

This example shows a number of ways to look for patterns in gene expression profiles.

Exploring the Data Set

该示例使用来自Derisi等人的酵母中基因表达的微阵列表达的数据。1997 [1]。作者使用DNA微阵列研究几乎所有基因的时间基因表达酿酒酵母酿酒酵母在代谢从发酵到呼吸的转变期间。在辅助偏移期间在七个时间点测量表达水平。可以从基因表达式omnibus网站下载完整数据集,http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE28

该MAT-fileyeastdata.matcontains the expression values (log2 of ratio ofch2dn_mean.ch1dn_mean.)从实验中的七个时间步骤,基因的名称和测量表达水平的时间阵列。



ans = 6400.

You can access the genes names associated with the experiment by indexing the variable基因那a cell array representing the gene names. For example, the 15th element in基因是yal054c。这表示变量的第15行yeastvaluescontains expression levels for YAL054C.

ans ='yal054c'

A simple plot can be used to show the expression profile for this ORF.

情节(次,yeastvalues(15,:))xlabel('Time (Hours)');ylabel('log2相对表达水平');


情节(*,2。^yeastvalues(15,:)) xlabel('Time (Hours)');ylabel(“相对表达水平”);


保持情节(*,2。^yeastvalues(16:26,:)') xlabel('Time (Hours)');ylabel(“相对表达水平”);标题('个人资料表达级别');


Typically, a gene expression dataset includes information corresponding to genes that do not show any interesting changes during the experiment. To make it easier to find the interesting genes, you can reduce the size of the data set to some subset that contains only the most significant genes.


emptyspots = strcmp('EMPTY',基因);yeastvalues(空虚,:) = [];基因(Everyspots)= [];numel(基因)
ans = 6314


纳丁德=任何(Isnan(yeastvalues),2);yeastvalues(纳丁德,:) = [];基因(Naninindes)= [];numel(基因)
ANS = 6276.

If you were to plot the expression profiles of all the remaining profiles, you would see that most profiles are flat and not significantly different from the others. This flat data is obviously of use as it indicates that the genes associated with these profiles are not significantly affected by the diauxic shift; however, in this example, you are interested in the genes with large changes in expression accompanying the diauxic shift. You can use filtering functions in the Bioinformatics Toolbox™ to remove genes with various types of profiles that do not provide useful information about genes affected by the metabolic change.

你可以使用GenevarFilter.滤除随时间差异小的基因的功能。该函数返回与变量相同大小的逻辑阵列(即掩码)基因与相对应的行yeastvalueswith variance greater than the 10th percentile and zeros corresponding to those below the threshold. You can use the mask to index into the values and remove the filtered genes.

面具= Genevarfilter(yeastvalues);yeastvalues = yeastvalues(面具,:);基因=基因(面膜);numel(基因)
ans = 5648.

功能genelowvalfilterremoves genes that have very low absolute expression values. Note that these filter functions can also automatically calculate the filtered data and names, so it is not necessary to index the original data using the mask.

[掩盖,酵母,基因] = Genelowvalfilter(酵母,基因,基因,'absval',log2(3));numel(基因)
ANS = 822.

Finally, you can use the functiongeneentropyfilter删除其配置文件具有低熵的基因,例如数据的第15位熵级别。

[面膜,酵母,基因] =基因裂解(酵母,基因,'proctile'15);numel(基因)
ANS = 614.

Cluster Analysis

Now that you have a manageable list of genes, you can look for relationships between the profiles using some different clustering techniques from the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™. For hierarchical clustering, the functionPdist.计算配置文件之间的成对距离和连锁创建分层群集树。

corrdist = pdist(yeastvalues,'corr');clustertree =链接(corrdist,'平均');

function calculates the clusters based on either a cutoff distance or a maximum number of clusters. In this case, themaxclust选项用于识别16个不同的群集。

clusters = cluster(clustertree,'maxclust'那16);


figureforc = 1:16子图(4,4,c);plot(times,yeastvalues((clusters == c),:)'); axisendsuptitle('配置文件的分层群集');

该统计和机器学习工具箱also has a K-means clustering function. Again, sixteen clusters are found, but because the algorithm is different these will not necessarily be the same clusters as those found by hierarchical clustering.


RNG('默认');[CIDX,CTRS] = kmeans(yeastvalues,16,'dist''corr''rep',5,'disp''final');figureforc = 1:16子图(4,4,c);图(次数,yeastvalues((cidx == c),:)');轴endsuptitle('K-Means Clustering of Profiles');
复制1,21迭代,距离总和= 23.4699。复制2,22迭代,距离总和= 23.5615。复制3,10次迭代,距离总和= 24.823。复制4,28迭代,距离总和= 23.4501。复制5,19迭代,距离总和= 23.5109。最佳距离总和= 23.4501


figureforc = 1:16子图(4,4,c);plot(times,ctrs(c,:)'); axis关闭endsuptitle('K-Means Clustering of Profiles');


cgObj = clustergram(yeastvalues(:,2:end),'rowlabels',基因,'columnlabels',次(2:结束));



H = MapCaplot(酵母值,基因);



[PC,Zscores,PCVARS] = PCA(yeastValues);

第一个输出,PC.,是一个主要成分的矩阵yeastvaluesdata. The first column of the matrix is the first principal component, the second column is the second principal component, and so on. The second output,ZScores.,包括主成分分数,即主要成分空间中的酵母值的代表。第三个输出,PCVARS.,包含主成分差异,这可以测量每个主组件的数据算法的数量。


pcvars./sum(pcvars)* 100
ans = 79.8316 9.5858 4.0781 2.6486 2.1723 0.9747 0.7089


Cumsum(PCVars./sum(PCVARS)* 100)
ANS = 79.8316 89.4174 93.4955 96.1441 98.3164 99.2911 100.0000


figure scatter(zscores(:,1),zscores(:,2)); xlabel('第一个主要成分');ylabel('第二个主要成分');标题('主成分散点图');

创建散点图的替代方法是函数g箭偶from the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox.g箭偶creates a grouped scatter plot where points from each group have a different color or marker. You can useclusterdata.那or any other clustering function, to group the points.

图PCClusters = ClusterData(Zscores(:,1:2),'maxclust',8,'连锁''av');g箭偶(zscores(:,1),zscores(:,2),pcclusters) xlabel('第一个主要成分');ylabel('第二个主要成分');标题(“主要成分散射块与彩色簇”);


If you have the Deep Learning Toolbox™, you can use a self-organizing map (SOM) to cluster the data.



p = zscores(:,1:2)';net = selforgmap([4 4]);




图绘图(p(1,:),p(2,:),'。G''Markersize',20)持有Plotsom(net.iw {1,1},net.layers {1} .distans)持有关闭


distances = dist(P',net.IW{1}'); [d,cndx] = min(distances,[],2);% cndx contains the cluster index图g箭偶(p(1,:),p(2,:),cndx);传说关闭; holdPlotsom(net.iw {1,1},net.layers {1} .distans);保持关闭

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[1] DeRisi, J.L., Iyer, V.R. and Brown, P.O., "Exploring the metabolic and genetic control of gene expression on a genomic scale", Science, 278(5338):680-6, 1997.