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Resample input at lower rate by deleting samples

  • library:
  • DSP System Toolbox / Signal Operations

    DSP System Toolbox HDL Support / Signal Operations

  • Downsample block


The Downsample block decreases the sampling rate of the input by deleting samples. When the block performs frame-based processing, it resamples the data in each column of theMi-by-Ninput matrix independently. When the block performs sample-based processing, it treats each element of the input as a separate channel and resamples each channel of the input array across time. The resample rate isKtimes lower than the input sample rate, whereKis the value of theDownsample factorparameter. The Downsample block resamples the input by discardingK–1 consecutive samples following each sample that is output.

This block supports triggered subsystems when you set theRate optionsparameter toEnforce single-rate processing.



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Data input whose sampling rate is to be decreased by the block, specified as a column vector or a matrix.

When you set theInput processingparameter toElements as channels (sample based),input can be anN-D array.

Data Types:single|double|int8|int16|int32|int64|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64|Boolean|fixed point
Complex Number Support:Yes


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Downsampled output with a sampling rate that is 1/Ktimes the input sampling rate, returned as a column vector or a matrix.

Data Types:single|double|int8|int16|int32|int64|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64|Boolean|fixed point
Complex Number Support:Yes


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The integer factor,K, by which to decrease the input sample rate.

TheSample offsetparameter delays the output samples by an integer number of sample periods,D, where 0 ≤D≤ (K–1), so that any of theKpossible output phases can be selected. For example, when you downsample the sequence 1, 2, 3, ... by a factor of 4, you can select from four phases.

Input Sequence Sample Offset, D Output Sequence (K= 4)













The initial zero in each of the latter three output sequences in the table is a result of the default zeroInitial conditionsparameter setting for this example. Seelatencyfor more information on theInitial conditionsparameter.

Specify the method for input processing:

  • Columns as channels (frame based)–– When you set theInput processingparameter toColumns as channels (frame based),block treats each of theNinput columns as an individual channel containingMisequential time samples. The block downsamples each channel independently by discardingK–1 rows of the input matrix following each row that it outputs.

    For more information, seeWhat Is Frame-Based Processing?.

  • Elements as channels (sample based)–– When you set theInput processingparameter toElements as channels (sample based),input can be anN-D array. TheDownsampleblock treats each element of the input as a separate channel, and resamples each channel of the input over time. The block downsamples the input array by discardingK–1 samples following each sample that it passes through to the output. The input and output sizes of the Downsample block are identical.

    For more information, seeWhat Is Sample-Based Processing?.

Specify the method by which the block adjusts the rate at the output to accommodate the reduced number of samples. . You can select one of the following options. The behavior of these options depends on whether theInput processingparameter is set toElements as channels (sample based)(sample-based processing mode) orColumns as channels (frame based)(frame-based processing mode).

  • Elements as channels (sample based)

    • Enforce single-rate processing

      The block forces the output sample rate to match the input sample rate (Tso=Tsi) by repeating everyKth input sampleK次输出。在这种模式下,的行为the block is similar to the operation of a Sample and Hold block with a repeating trigger event of periodKTsi.

    • Allow multirate processing

      The sample period of the output isKtimes longer than the input sample period (Tso=KTsi).

  • Columns as channels (frame based)

    • Enforce single rate processing

      The block generates the output at the slower (downsampled) rate using a proportionally smaller framesizethan the input. For downsampling by a factor ofK,output frame size isKtimes smaller than the input frame size (Mo=Mi/K), but the input and output frame rates are equal.

      Theex_downsample_ref2model shows a single-channel input with a frame size of 64 being downsampled by a factor of 4 to a frame size of 16. The input and output frame rates are identical.

    • Allow multirate processing

      The block generates the output at the slower (downsampled) rate by using a proportionally longer frameperiodat the output port than at the input port. For downsampling by a factor ofK,output frame period isKtimes longer than the input frame period (Tfo=KTfi), but the input and output frame sizes are equal.

      Theex_downsample_ref1model shows a single-channel input with a frame period of 1 second being downsampled by a factor of 4 to a frame period of 4 seconds. The input and output frame sizes are identical.

The initial block value for cases of nonzero latency. You can specify a scalar or an array of the same size as the input.


This parameter appears only when you set theRate optionsparameter toAllow multirate processing.

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Boolean|double|fixed point|integer|single

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection


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Extended Capabilities

Fixed-Point Conversion
Design and simulate fixed-point systems using Fixed-Point Designer™.

Introduced before R2006a