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Display fuzzy inference system



plotfis(fis)displays a high-level diagram of a fuzzy inference system (FIS). The center of the display shows the name, type, and rule count for the FIS. The input variables with associated membership functions are displayed to the right, and the outputs with their associated membership functions are displayed on the left.


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克雷亚te a fuzzy inference system (FIS). For this example, read the FIS from thetipper.fisfile.

fis = readfis('tipper');

Display the fuzzy system.


Figure showing the basic properties of the fuzzy inference system

The figure shows the FIS name and type, along with the number of rules. Also, for each input and output variable, the name and membership function configuration are shown.

克雷亚te afistreeobject from a pair of fuzzy inference systems.

fis1 = mamfis('Name',“fis1”,'NumInputs',2,'NumOutputs',1); fis2 = sugfis('Name','fis2','NumInputs',2,'NumOutputs',1); con1 = ["fis1/output1""fis2/input1"]; con2 = ["fis1/input1""fis1/input2"]; tree = fistree([fis1 fis2],[con1; con2]);

Display the tree of fuzzy inference systems.

FIS Names: fis1 fis2 Connections: From To ------------ ----------- fis1/output1 fis2/input1 fis1/input1 fis1/input2 Inputs: fis1/input1 fis2/input2 Outputs: fis2/output1

For afistreeobject, this function shows a description of the system in the Command Window instead of a figure.

Input Arguments

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Fuzzy inference system, specified as one of the following:

  • mamfisobject — Mamdani fuzzy inference system

  • sugfisobject — Sugeno fuzzy inference system

  • mamfistype2对象- 2型Mamdani模糊推理系统

  • sugfistype2object — Type-2 Sugeno fuzzy inference system

  • fistreeobject — Tree of interconnected fuzzy inference systems

Compatibility Considerations

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Warns starting in R2019b

Introduced before R2006a