





我们可以用类似的方式表示一个时间表。在给定的调度中,行(1到处理器数量之间的整数)表示处理器,列(1到任务数量之间的整数)表示任务。例如,调度[1 2 3;4 5 0;6 0 0]是在处理器1上执行的任务1、2和3,在处理器2上执行的任务4和5,在处理器3上执行的任务6。


rng默认的%的再现性numberOfProcessors = 11;numberOfTasks = 40;长度=[10 *兰德(1,numberOfTasks);7 *兰德(1、numberOfTasks);2 *兰德(1、numberOfTasks);5 *兰德(1、numberOfTasks);3 *兰德(1、numberOfTasks);4 *兰德(1、numberOfTasks);1 *兰德(1、numberOfTasks);6 *兰德(1、numberOfTasks); 4*rand(1,numberOfTasks); 3*rand(1,numberOfTasks); 1*rand(1,numberOfTasks)];任务在处理器上的随机分布(起始点)sampleSchedule = 0 (numberOfProcessors numberOfTasks);task = 1:numberOfTasks processorID = 1 + floor(rand*(numberOfProcessors));指数=找到(sampleSchedule (processorID:) = = 0);sampleSchedule (processorID、索引(1))=任务;结束





函数schedule = mulprocpermute(optimValues,problemData) % mulprocpermute将一个随机任务移动到不同的处理器。% NEWX = MULPROCPERMUTE(optimValues,problemData)生成一个基于当前点和当前温度%的点%版权2006这个循环将生成一个邻居的“距离”等于% optimValues.temperature。它通过为%当前调度生成一个邻居,然后为该邻居生成一个邻居,以此类推,直到生成足够的邻居。for i = 1:floor(optimValues.temperature)+1 [nrows ncols] = size(schedule);Schedule =邻居(Schedule, nrows, ncols);结束  %=====================================================% 功能表=邻居(调度、nrows ncols) %的邻居产生一个邻居给定的时间表。它通过将一个随机任务移动到不同的处理器来实现。代码%的其余部分是为了确保进度表的格式保持不变。第一行= randinteger (1, 1, nrows) + 1; col = randinteger(1,1,ncols)+1; while schedule(row1, col)==0 row1 = randinteger(1,1,nrows)+1; col = randinteger(1,1,ncols)+1; end row2 = randinteger(1,1,nrows)+1; while row1==row2 row2 = randinteger(1,1,nrows)+1; end for j = 1:ncols if schedule(row2,j)==0 schedule(row2,j) = schedule(row1,col); break end end schedule(row1, col) = 0; for j = col:ncols-1 schedule(row1,j) = schedule(row1,j+1); end schedule(row1,ncols) = 0; %=====================================================% function out = randinteger(m,n,range) %RANDINTEGER generate integer random numbers (m-by-n) in range len_range = size(range,1) * size(range,2); % If the IRANGE is specified as a scalar. if len_range < 2 if range < 0 range = [range+1, 0]; elseif range > 0 range = [0, range-1]; else range = [0, 0]; % Special case of zero range. end end % Make sure RANGE is ordered properly. range = sort(range); % Calculate the range the distance for the random number generator. distance = range(2) - range(1); % Generate the random numbers. r = floor(rand(m, n) * (distance+1)); % Offset the numbers to the specified value. out = ones(m,n)*range(1); out = out + r;



mulprocfitness确定给定计划的“适合度”。换句话说,它告诉我们给定的时间表将花费多长时间,使用“长度”给出的%知识nrows timeToComplete = 0 (1);for i = 1:nrows timeToComplete(i) = 0;for j = 1:ncols if schedule(i,j)~=0 timeToComplete(i) = timeToComplete(i)+length (i,schedule(i,j));timeToComplete = max(timeToComplete);


% length已在前面定义Fitnessfcn = @(x) multiprocfitness (x,length);


函数停止= mulprocplot (optimvalues ~,国旗,长度)% mulprocplot PlotFcn用于SAMULTIPROCESSORDEMO %停止= mulprocplot(选项、optimvalues国旗)optimvalues %结构有以下字段:x %: % fval:当前点函数值在x % bestx:迄今为止最佳点发现% bestfval:函数值在bestx %温度:当前温度% iteration:当前迭代% funccount:函数计算次数% t0:开始时间% k:退火参数'k' % % FLAG:调用PlotFcn的当前状态。可能的值为:% init:初始化状态% iter:迭代状态% done:最终状态% % STOP:停止算法的布尔值。% % Copyright 2006-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. persistent thisTitle %#ok stop = false;set(gca,'xlimmode','manual','zlimmode','manual',…)'alimmode','manual') titleStr = sprintf('Current Point - Iteration %d', optimvalues.iteration);thisTitle =标题(titleStr“插值函数”,“没有一个”);toplot = i_generatePlotData(最优值,长度);ylabel(“时间”、“插值函数”,“没有一个”);栏(“堆叠”,如何“edgecolor”,“没有一个”); Xlength = size(toplot,1); set(gca,'xlim',[0,1 + Xlength]) case 'iter' if ~rem(optimvalues.iteration, 100) toplot = i_generatePlotData(optimvalues, lengths); bar(toplot, 'stacked','edgecolor','none'); titleStr = sprintf('Current Point - Iteration %d', optimvalues.iteration); thisTitle = title(titleStr,'interp','none'); end end function toplot = i_generatePlotData(optimvalues, lengths) schedule = optimvalues.x; nrows = size(schedule,1); % Remove zero columns (all processes are idle) maxlen = 0; for i = 1:nrows if max(nnz(schedule(i,:))) > maxlen maxlen = max(nnz(schedule(i,:))); end end schedule = schedule(:,1:maxlen); toplot = zeros(size(schedule)); [nrows, ncols] = size(schedule); for i = 1:nrows for j = 1:ncols if schedule(i,j)==0 % idle process toplot(i,j) = 0; else toplot(i,j) = lengths(i,schedule(i,j)); end end end


函数停止= mulprocplotbest (optimvalues ~,国旗,长度)% mulprocplotbest PlotFcn用于SAMULTIPROCESSORDEMO %停止= mulprocplotbest(选项、optimvalues国旗)optimvalues %结构有以下字段:x %: % fval:当前点函数值在x % bestx:迄今为止最佳点发现% bestfval:在bestx下的函数值% temperature:当前温度% iteration:当前迭代% funccount:函数计算次数% t0:开始时间% k:退火参数'k' % % FLAG:调用PlotFcn的当前状态。可能的值为:% init:初始化状态% iter:迭代状态% done:最终状态% % STOP:停止算法的布尔值。% % Copyright 2006-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. persistent thisTitle %#ok stop = false;set(gca,'xlimmode','manual','zlimmode','manual',…)'alimmode','manual') titleStr = sprintf('Current Point - Iteration %d', optimvalues.iteration);thisTitle =标题(titleStr“插值函数”,“没有一个”);toplot = i_generatePlotData(最优值,长度);Xlength =大小(如何,1);ylabel(“时间”、“插值函数”,“没有一个”); bar(toplot, 'stacked','edgecolor','none'); set(gca,'xlim',[0,1 + Xlength]) case 'iter' if ~rem(optimvalues.iteration, 100) toplot = i_generatePlotData(optimvalues, lengths); bar(toplot, 'stacked','edgecolor','none'); titleStr = sprintf('Best Point - Iteration %d', optimvalues.iteration); thisTitle = title(titleStr,'interp','none'); end end function toplot = i_generatePlotData(optimvalues, lengths) schedule = optimvalues.bestx; nrows = size(schedule,1); % Remove zero columns (all processes are idle) maxlen = 0; for i = 1:nrows if max(nnz(schedule(i,:))) > maxlen maxlen = max(nnz(schedule(i,:))); end end schedule = schedule(:,1:maxlen); toplot = zeros(size(schedule)); [nrows, ncols] = size(schedule); for i = 1:nrows for j = 1:ncols if schedule(i,j)==0 toplot(i,j) = 0; else toplot(i,j) = lengths(i,schedule(i,j)); end end end



选择= optimoptions (@simulannealbnd,“数据类型”,“自定义”,...“AnnealingFcn”@mulprocpermute,“MaxStallIterations”, 800,“ReannealInterval”, 800,...“PlotFcn”,{{@ multiprocplot, length},{@ multiprocplotbest, length},@saplotf,@saplotbestf});


时间= simulannealbnd (fitnessfcn sampleSchedule,[],[],选项);%删除零列(所有进程都是空闲的)maxlen = 0;i = 1:尺寸(时间表,1)如果Max (nnz(schedule(i,:)))) maxb0 maxlen = Max (nnz(schedule(i,:)));结束结束%显示时间表计划=计划(:1:maxlen)
优化终止:更改的最佳功能值小于选项。功能公差。安排= 22 34 32 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 6 12 11 39 35 0 0 7 20 30 15 10 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 28日0 0 0 0 0 0 31 33 29日4 21 9 25 40 24 26 14 0 0 0 0 0 13 16 23 38 36 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 27 37 17 2 0 0 0

