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马铃薯®is optimized for operations involving matrices and vectors. The process of revising loop-based, scalar-oriented code to use MATLAB matrix and vector operations is calledvectorization。Vectorizing your code is worthwhile for several reasons:

  • 出现: Vectorized mathematical code appears more like the mathematical expressions found in textbooks, making the code easier to understand.

  • 易于错误:没有循环,矢量化代码通常较短。更少的代码行意味着介绍编程错误的机会较少。

  • 性能: Vectorized code often runs much faster than the corresponding code containing loops.


This code computes the sine of 1,001 values ranging from 0 to 10:

我= 0;对于t = 0:.01:10 i = i + 1;y(i)= sin(t);结束

This is a vectorized version of the same code:

t = 0:.01:10;y = sin(t);


Vectorizing Code for Specific Tasks


x = 1:10000; ylength = (length(x) - mod(length(x),5))/5; y(1:ylength) = 0; for n= 5:5:length(x) y(n/5) = sum(x(1:n)); end

Using vectorization, you can write a much more concise MATLAB process. This code shows one way to accomplish the task:

x = 1:10000; xsums = cumsum(x); y = xsums(5:5:length(x));

Array Operations

Array operators perform the same operation for all elements in the data set. These types of operations are useful for repetitive calculations. For example, suppose you collect the volume (V) of various cones by recording their diameter (D) and height (H). If you collect the information for just one cone, you can calculate the volume for that single cone:

V = 1/12*pi*(D^2)*H;

Now, collect information on 10,000 cones. The vectorsDandHeach contain 10,000 elements, and you want to calculate 10,000 volumes. In most programming languages, you need to set up a loop similar to this MATLAB code:

对于n = 1:10000 V(n)= 1/12 * pi *(d(n)^ 2)* h(n));结束

With MATLAB, you can perform the calculation for each element of a vector with similar syntax as the scalar case:

% Vectorized Calculationv = 1/12 * pi *(d。^ 2)。* h;


放置一段时间()在运营商之前*,/, and^, transforms them into array operators.

Array operators also enable you to combine matrices of different dimensions. This automatic expansion of size-1 dimensions is useful for vectorizing grid creation, matrix and vector operations, and more.


A = [97 89 84; 95 82 92; 64 80 99;76 77 67;。。。88 59 74; 78 66 87; 55 93 85]; mA = mean(A); B = zeros(size(A));对于n = 1:size(A,2) B(:,n) = A(:,n) - mA(n);结束

A more direct way to do this is witha - 平均(a), which avoids the need of a loop and is significantly faster.

deva = a  - 意思是(a)
Deva = 18 11 0 16 4 8 -15 2 15 -3 -1 -17 9 -19 -10 -1 -12 3 -24 15 1

Even thoughA是一个7×3矩阵和mean(A)是一个1-×3矢量,MATLAB隐式扩展矢量,因为它与矩阵具有与矩阵相同的尺寸,并且操作执行为正常元素 - WISE减去操作。


如果您正在使用多维数据,则隐式扩展非常有用的另一个区域。假设您想要评估函数,F, of two variables,xandy

F(x,y) = x*exp(-x2- y2)

To evaluate this function at every combination of points in thexandy向量,您需要定义一个网格的值。为this task you should avoid using loops to iterate through the point combinations. Instead, if one of the vectors is a column and the other is a row, then MATLAB automatically constructs the grid when the vectors are used with an array operator, such asx+yorx-y。在这个例子中,xis a 21-by-1 vector andyis a 1-by-16 vector, so the operation produces a 21-by-16 matrix by expanding the second dimension ofxand the first dimension ofy

x = (-2:0.2:2)';%21-by-1y = -1.5:0.2:1.5;%1-by-16F = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2);%21-by-16


Logical Array Operations


为example, suppose while collecting data from 10,000 cones, you record several negative values for the diameter. You can determine which values in a vector are valid with the>=操作员:

D = [-0.2 1.0 1.5 3.0 -1.0 4.2 3.14]; D >= 0
ans = 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
You can directly exploit the logical indexing power of MATLAB to select the valid cone volumes,vgood., for which the corresponding elements ofD是非不良的:
vgood.= V(D >= 0);

MATLAB允许您使用函数执行整个向量的逻辑且或或或或上的元素allandany, respectively. You can throw a warning if all values ofD低于零:

如果所有(d <0)警告('All values of diameter are negative.')返回结束

马铃薯can also compare two vectors with compatible sizes, allowing you to impose further restrictions. This code finds all the values where V is nonnegative andDis greater thanH:

V((V >= 0) & (D > H))

为了帮助比较,MATLAB包含特殊值,以表示溢出,下溢和未定义的运算符,例如Infand。Logical operatorsisinfandisnanexist to help perform logical tests for these special values. For example, it is often useful to exclude计算中的值:

x = [2 -1 0 3 nan 2 nan 11 4 inf];xvalid = x(〜isnan(x))
xvalid = 2 -1 0 3 2 11 4 inf


inf == Inf.返回s true; however,南== NaN总是返回false。

Matrix Operations

When vectorizing code, you often need to construct a matrix with a particular size or structure. Techniques exist for creating uniform matrices. For instance, you might need a 5-by-5 matrix of equal elements:

A = ones(5,5)*10;
Or, you might need a matrix of repeating values:
v = 1:5; A = repmat(v,3,1)
A = 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

The functionrepmatpossesses flexibility in building matrices from smaller matrices or vectors.repmat通过重复输入矩阵创建矩阵:

A = repmat(1:3,5,2) B = repmat([1 2; 3 4],2,2)
A = 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 B = 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4

Ordering, Setting, and Counting Operations

在许多应用中,在向量的元素上完成的计算取决于同一向量中的其他元素。例如,一个向量,x,可能代表一组。如何迭代一套没有a对于orwhileloop is not obvious. The process becomes much clearer and the syntax less cumbersome when you use vectorized code.


寻找矢量的冗余元素存在多种不同的方式。一种方式涉及该功能diff。After sorting the vector elements, equal adjacent elements produce a zero entry when you use thedifffunction on that vector. Becausediff(x)生成一个较少元素的载体x, you must add an element that is not equal to any other element in the set.always satisfies this condition. Finally, you can use logical indexing to choose the unique elements in the set:

x = [2 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 3]; x = sort(x); difference = diff([x,NaN]); y = x(difference~=0)
y = 1 2 3
Y =唯一(x);
However, theuniquefunction might provide more functionality than is needed and slow down the execution of your code. Use theticandTOC.功能如果要衡量每个代码片段的性能。



x = [2 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 3]; x = sort(x); difference = diff([x,max(x)+1]); count = diff(find([1,difference])) y = x(find(difference))
count = 3 4 3 y = 1 2 3
Thefindfunction does not return indices forelements. You can count the number ofandInfvalues using theisnanandisinffunctions.

count_nans = sum(isnan(x(:))); count_infs = sum(isinf(x(:)));

Functions Commonly Used in Vectorization

Function 描述

Determine if all array elements are nonzero or true


Determine if any array elements are nonzero


Cumulative sum


Differences and Approximate Derivatives




Subscripts from linear index


Inverse permute dimensions of N-D array


Convert numeric values to logicals


Rectangular grid in 2-D and 3-D space






Product of array elements


Repeat copies of array


Reshape array





Remove singleton dimensions


Convert subscripts to linear indices



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