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Get properties ofArduinoboard in active金宝appmodel



arduino.supportpkg.getBoardInforeturns a structure array displaying the Arduino board name and architecture details of the target hardware in an active Simulink®model.


boardInfo= arduino.supportpkg.getBoardInfo(bdroot)returns a structure array displaying the Arduino board name and architecture details of the target hardware in thebdrootSimulink model.


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Ensure that you have MATLAB®R2020b or higher installed withSimulink Support Package for Arduino®Hardware. Get the Arduino board properties of an active Simulink model.

ans = struct with fields: BoardName: "Arduino Mega ADK" Architecture: "avr"

Ensure that you have MATLAB R2020b or higher installed withSimulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware. Get the Arduino board properties of thearduino_audio_effectsSimulink model.

boardInfo = arduino.supportpkg.getBoardInfo('arduino_audio_effects')
boardInfo = struct with fields: BoardName: "Arduino MKR1000" Architecture: "samd"

Input Arguments

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Simulink model name, specified as a string.

Data Types:char|string

Output Arguments

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Arduino board properties information, returned as a structure with the fields:

BoardName Arduino board used in the Simulink model
Architecture Architecture of the Arduino board used in the Simulink model

Version History
