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Explain network predictions by occluding the inputs



scoreMap= occlusionSensitivity(net,X,label)computes a map of the change in classification score for the classes specified bylabelwhen parts of the input dataXare occluded with a mask. The change in classification score is relative to the original data without occlusion. The occluding mask is moved across the input data, giving a change in classification score for each mask location. Use an occlusion sensitivity map to identify the parts of your input data that most impact the classification score. Areas in the map with higher positive values correspond to regions of input data that contribute positively to the specified classification label. The network must contain aclassificationLayer.

activationMap= occlusionSensitivity(net,X,layer,channel)computes a map of the change in total activation for the specified layer and channel when parts of the input dataXare occluded with a mask. The change in activation score is relative to the original data without occlusion. Areas in the map with higher positive values correspond to regions of input data that contribute positively to the specified channel activation, obtained by summing over all spatial dimensions for that channel. The total activation fulfills the role of the class score for classification tasks and generalizes the occlusion sensitivity technique to nonclassification tasks.

Use this syntax to compute the occlusion sensitivity map for nonclassification tasks, such as regression, or for use with a network containing a custom classification layer.

___= occlusionSensitivity(___,Name,Value)specifies options using one or more name-value pair arguments in addition to the input arguments in previous syntaxes. For example,'Stride',50sets the stride of the occluding mask to 50 pixels.


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Import the pretrained network GoogLeNet.

net = googlenet;

Import the image and resize to match the input size for the network.

X = imread ("sherlock.jpg"); inputSize = net.Layers(1).InputSize(1:2); X = imresize(X,inputSize);

Display the image.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

Classify the image to get the class label.

label = classify(net,X)
label =categoricalgolden retriever

UseocclusionSensitivityto determine which parts of the image positively influence the classification result.

scoreMap = occlusionSensitivity(net,X,label);

Plot the result over the original image with transparency to see which areas of the image affect the classification score.

figure imshow(X) holdonimagesc(scoreMap,'AlphaData',0.5); colormapjet

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type image.

The red parts of the map show the areas which have a positive contribution to the specified label. The dog's left eye and ear strongly influence the network's prediction ofgolden retriever.

You can get similar results using the gradient class activation mapping (Grad-CAM) technique. Grad-CAM uses the gradient of the classification score with respect to the last convolutional layer in a network in order to understand which parts of the image are most important for classification. For an example, seeGrad-CAM Reveals the Why Behind Deep Learning Decisions.

Input Arguments

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Trained network, specified as aSeriesNetworkobject or aDAGNetworkobject. You can get a trained network by importing a pretrained network or by training your own network using thetrainNetworkfunction. For more information about pretrained networks, seePretrained Deep Neural Networks.

netmust contain a single input layer. The input layer must be animageInputLayer.

Observation to occlude, specified as a numeric array. You can calculate the occlusion sensitivity map of one observation at a time. For example, specify a single image to understand which parts of that image affect classification results.

Data Types:single|double|int8|int16|int32|int64|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64

Class label used to calculate change in classification score, specified as a categorical, a character array, or a string array.

If you specifylabelas a vector, the software calculates the change in classification score for each class label independently. In that case,scoreMap(:,:,i)corresponds to the occlusion sensitivity map for theith element inlabel.

Data Types:char|string|categorical

Layer used to calculate change in activation, specified as a character vector or a string scalar. Specifylayeras the name of the layer innetfor which you want to compute the change in activations.

Data Types:char|string

Channel used to calculate change in activation, specified as scalar or vector of channel indices. The possible choices forchanneldepend on the selected layer. For example, for convolutional layers, theNumFiltersproperty specifies the number of output channels. You can useanalyzeNetworkto inspect the network and find out the number of output channels for each layer.

Ifchannelis specified as a vector, the change in total activation for each specified channel is calculated independently. In that case,activationMap(:,:,i)corresponds to the occlusion sensitivity map for theith element inchannel.

The function computes the change in total activation due to occlusion. The total activation is computed by summing over all spatial dimensions of the activation of that channel. The occlusion sensitivity map corresponds to the difference between the total activation of the original data with no occlusion and the total activation for the occluded data. Areas in the map with higher positive values correspond to regions of input data that contribute positively to the specified channel activation.

Data Types:single|double|int8|int16|int32|int64|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments asName1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, whereNameis the argument name andValueis the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and encloseNamein quotes.

Example:'MaskSize',75,'OutputUpsampling','nearest'uses an occluding mask with size 75 pixels along each side, and uses nearest-neighbor interpolation to upsample the output to the same size as the input data

Size of occluding mask, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'MaskSize'and one of the following.

  • 'auto'——使用一个面具的大小输入规模的20%,rounded to the nearest integer.

  • A vector of the form[h w]— Use a rectangular mask with heighthand widthw.

  • A scalar — Use a square mask with height and width equal to the specified value.

Example:'MaskSize',[50 60]

Step size for traversing the mask across the input data, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'Stride'and one of the following.

  • 'auto'— Use a stride of 10% of the input size, rounded to the nearest integer.

  • A vector of the form[a b]— Use a vertical stride ofaand a horizontal stride ofb.

  • A scalar — Use a stride of the specified value in both the vertical and horizontal directions.


Replacement value of occluded region, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'MaskValue'and one of the following.

  • 'auto'— Replace occluded pixels with the channel-wise mean of the input data.

  • A scalar — Replace occluded pixels with the specified value.

  • A vector — Replace occluded pixels with the value specified for each channel. The vector must contain the same number of elements as the number of output channels of the layer.


Output upsampling method, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'OutputUpsampling'and one of the following.

  • 'bicubic'— Use bicubic interpolation to produce a smooth map the same size as the input data.

  • 'nearest'— Use nearest-neighbor interpolation expand the map to the same size as the input data. The map indicates the resolution of the occlusion computation with respect to the size of the input data.

  • 'none'— Use no upsampling. The map can be smaller than the input data.

If'OutputUpsampling'is'bicubic'or'nearest', the computed map is upsampled to the size of the input data using theimresizefunction.


Edge handling of the occluding mask, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'MaskClipping'and one of the following.

  • 'on'— Place the center of the first mask at the top-left corner of the input data. Masks at the edges of the data are not full size.

  • 'off'— Place the top-left corner of the first mask at the top-left corner of the input data. Masks are always full size. If the values of theMaskSizeandStride选择意味着一些面具扩展past the boundaries of the data, those masks are excluded.

For non-image input data, you can ensure you always occlude the same amount of input data using the option'MaskClipping','off'. For example, for word embeddings data, you can ensure the same number of words are occluded at each point.


Size of the mini-batch to use to compute the map of change in classification score, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'MiniBatchSize'and a positive integer.

A mini-batch is a subset of the set of occluded images as the mask is moved across the input image. All occluded images are used to calculate the map; the mini-batch determines the number of images that are passed to the network at once. Larger mini-batch sizes lead to faster computation, at the cost of more memory.


Hardware resource for computing map, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'ExecutionEnvironment'and one of the following.

  • 'auto'— Use a GPU if one is available. Otherwise, use the CPU.

  • 'cpu'— Use the CPU.

  • 'gpu'— Use the GPU.

The GPU option requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™.To use a GPU for deep learning, you must also have a supported GPU device. For information on supported devices, seeGPU Support by Release(Parallel Computing Toolbox).If you choose the'ExecutionEnvironment','gpu'option and Parallel Computing Toolbox or a suitable GPU is not available, then the software returns an error.


Output Arguments

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Map of change of classification score, returned as a numeric matrix or a numeric array. The change in classification score is calculated relative to the original input data without occlusion. Areas in the map with higher positive values correspond to regions of input data that contribute positively to the specified classification label.

Iflabelis specified as a vector, the change in classification score for each class label is calculated independently. In that case,scoreMap(:,:,i)corresponds to the occlusion sensitivity map for theith element inlabel.

Map of change of total activation, returned as a numeric matrix or a numeric array.

The function computes the change in total activation due to occlusion. The total activation is computed by summing over all spatial dimensions of the activation of that channel. The occlusion sensitivity map corresponds to the difference between the total activation of the original data with no occlusion and the total activation for the occluded data. Areas in the map with higher positive values correspond to regions of input data that contribute positively to the specified channel activation.

Ifchannelsis specified as a vector, the change in total activation for each specified channel is calculated independently. In that case,activationMap(:,:,i)corresponds to the occlusion sensitivity map for theith element inchannel.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b