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이 번역 페이지는 최신 내용을 담고 있지 않습니다. 최신 내용을 영문으로 보려면 여기를 클릭하십시오.

회귀 트리

회귀를 위한 이진 결정 트리

회귀 트리를 대화형 방식으로 성장시키려면회귀 학습기앱을 사용하십시오. 더 유연한 접근 방법을 원한다면, 명령줄에서fitrtree를 사용하여 회귀 트리를 성장시키십시오. 회귀 트리를 성장시킨 후 트리와 새 예측 변수 데이터를predict에 전달하여 응답 변수를 예측하십시오.

회귀 학습기 머신러닝 지도 학습을 사용하여 데이터를 예측하도록 회귀 모델 훈련시키기


RegressionTree Predict Predict responses using regression tree model


모두 확장

fitrtree Fit binary decision tree for regression
compact Compact regression tree
prune Produce sequence of regression subtrees by pruning
lime Local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME)
partialDependence Compute partial dependence
plotPartialDependence Create partial dependence plot (PDP) and individual conditional expectation (ICE) plots
predictorImportance Estimates of predictor importance for regression tree
surrogateAssociation Mean predictive measure of association for surrogate splits in regression tree
shapley Shapley values
view View regression tree
crossval Cross-validated decision tree
cvloss Regression error by cross validation
kfoldfun Cross-validate function for regression
kfoldPredict 预测反应cross-valida观测ted regression model
kfoldLoss Loss for cross-validated partitioned regression model
loss Regression error
resubLoss Regression error by resubstitution
predict Predict responses using regression tree
resubPredict Predict resubstitution response of tree
gather Gather properties ofStatistics and Machine Learning Toolboxobject from GPU


RegressionTree Regression tree
CompactRegressionTree Compact regression tree
RegressionPartitionedModel Cross-validated regression model

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