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Spring Mass Damper

version (1.36 KB) by Yajur Kumar
PID Control of Spring-Mass-Damper Model


Updated1 Nov 2017

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This simple example shows the application of P, I, D alone, and PI, PD, and PID controller to spring-mass-damper model.
Model Equation: mx'' + cx' + kx = F
m = mass of block,
c = damping constant,
k = spring constant
and F is the applied force, x is the resulting displacement of the block
Transfer Function (Laplace Transform of model):
X(s)/F(s) = 1/(ms^2 + cs + k)

Cite As

Yajur Kumar (2022).Spring Mass Damper(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2017b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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