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金宝appReal-TimeFPGA I/O Modules

Generate and deploy HDL code on金宝app®Real-Time™FPGA I/O Modules (requiresSimulink Real-Time)

You can generate an FPGA programming file andSimulink Real-TimeFPGA I/O interface for deployment on a Speedgoat®I/O module. SeeIP Core Generation Workflow for Speedgoat Simulink-Programmable I/O Modules.


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hdlcoder.Board Board registration object that describes SoC custom board
hdlcoder.WorkflowConfig Configure HDL code generation and deployment workflows
hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign Reference design registration object that describes SoC reference design


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socExportReferenceDesign Export custom reference design for HDL Workflow Advisor
addExternalIOInterface Define external IO interface for board object
addExternalPortInterface Define external port interface for board object
addInternalIOInterface 一个dd and define internal IO interface between generated IP core and existing IP cores
addAXI4MasterInterface 一个dd and define AXI4 Master interface
addAXI4SlaveInterface 一个dd and define AXI4 slave interface
addAXI4StreamInterface 一个dd AXI4-Stream interface
addAXI4StreamVideoInterface 一个dd AXI4-Stream Video interface
addClockInterface 一个dd clock and reset interface
addCustomEDKDesign SpecifyXilinxEDK MHS project file
addCustomQsysDesign Specify一个lteraQsys project file
addCustomVivadoDesign SpecifyXilinxVivadoexported block design Tcl file
addIPRepository Include IP modules from your IP repository folder in your custom reference design
addParameter 一个dd and define custom parameters for your reference design
validateReferenceDesign Check property values in reference design object
validateBoard Check property values in board object



Resolve Timing Failures in IP Core Generation and Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O Workflows

Resolve timing failures in Build FPGA Bitstream step of IP Core Generation Workflow or Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O Workflow for Vivado-Based Boards.