

Demodulate using DBPSK method


Thedbpskdemodulatorobject demodulates a signal that was modulated using the differential binary phase shift keying method. The input is a baseband representation of the modulated signal.

那是解调信号modulated using differential binary phase shift keying:

  1. Define and set up your DBPSK demodulator object. SeeConstruction

  2. Callstepto demodulate a signal according to the properties ofcomm.DBPSKDemodulator。The behavior ofstepis specific to each object in the toolbox.


Starting in R2016b, instead of using thestep执行由System Object™定义的操作的方法,您可以使用参数调用对象,就像它是一个函数一样。例如,y = step(obj,x)y = obj(x)perform equivalent operations.


h = comm.dbpskdemodulator.创建解调器系统对象,H。该对象使用差分二进制相移键控(DBPSK)方法解调输入信号。

h = comm.dbpskdemodulator.(Name,价值)creates a DBPSK demodulator object,H,每个指定属性设置为指定值。您可以以任何顺序指定其他名称值对参数(Name1,价值1,...,NameN,价值N).

h = comm.dbpskdemodulator(阶段,Name,价值)creates a DBPSK demodulator object,H。This object has thePhaseRotationproperty set to阶段和the other specified properties set to the specified values.




Specify the additional phase difference between previous and current modulated bits in radians as a real scalar. The default is0。This value corresponds to the phase difference between previous and current modulated bits when the input is zero.



Specify output data type as one ofFull precision|Smallest unsigned integer|double|single|int8|uint8|INT16|uint16|int32|uint32|logical。The default isFull precision。When you set this property toFull precision, the output data type has the same data type as the input. In this case, that value must be a double- or single-precision data type.


step Demodulate using DBPSK method
Common to All System Objects

Allow System object property value changes


Reset internal states of System object


collapse all

Create a DBPSK modulator and demodulator pair.

dbpskmod = comm.DBPSKModulator(pi/4); dpbpskdemod = comm.DBPSKDemodulator(pi/4);

创建错误率计算器。设定计算delay.property to1to account for the one bit transient caused by the differential modulation

errorRate = comm.ErrorRate('ComputationDelay',1);

Main processing loop steps:

  • Generate 50-bit frames

  • DBPSK modulate

  • Pass through AWGN channel

  • DBPSK demodulate

  • Collect error statistics

forcounter = 1:100 txData = randi([0 1],50,1); modSig = dbpskmod(txData); rxSig = awgn(modSig,7); rxData = dpbpskdemod(rxSig); errorStats = errorRate(txData,rxData);end

Display the error statistics.

ber = errorStats(1)
ber = 0.0040
numErrors = errorStats(2)
numErrors = 20
numbits = errorstats(3)
numbits = 4999.


This object implements the algorithm, inputs, and outputs described on theDBPSK Demodulator Baseband块参考页面。对象属性对应于块参数。

Extended Capabilities

Introduced in R2012a