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Obtain filter properties of track from multi-object tracker



values= getTrackFilterProperties(tracker,trackID,property)returns the tracking filter property values for a specific track within a multi-object tracker.trackIDis the ID of that specific track.


values= getTrackFilterProperties(tracker,trackID,property1,...,propertyN)returns multiple property values. You can specify the properties in any order.


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创建amultiObjectTrackerSystem object™ using a constant-acceleration, linear Kalman filter for all tracks.

tracker = multiObjectTracker('FilterInitializationFcn',@initcakf,...'ConfirmationParameters',[4 5],'DeletionThreshold',[9 9]);

创建two detections and generate tracks for these detections.

detection1 = objectDetection (1.0, (10;10]);检测ion2 = objectDetection(1.0,[1000; 1000]); [~,tracks] = tracker([detection1 detection2],1.1)
tracks=2×1 object2x1 objectTrack array with properties: TrackID BranchID SourceIndex UpdateTime Age State StateCovariance StateParameters ObjectClassID TrackLogic TrackLogicState IsConfirmed IsCoasted IsSelfReported ObjectAttributes

Get filter property values for the first track. Display the process noise values.

values = getTrackFilterProperties(tracker,1,'MeasurementNoise','ProcessNoise','MotionModel'); values{2}
ans =2×21 0 0 1

Set new values for this property by doubling the process noise for the first track. Display the updated process noise values.

setTrackFilterProperties(tracker,1,'ProcessNoise',2*values{2}); values = getTrackFilterProperties(tracker,1,'ProcessNoise'); values{1}
ans =2×22 0 0 2

Input Arguments

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Multi-object tracker, specified as amultiObjectTrackerSystem object.

Track ID, specified as a positive integer.trackIDmust be a valid track intracker.

Tracking filter property to return values for, specified as a character vector or string scalar.propertymust be a valid property of the tracking filter used bytracker. Valid tracking filters aretrackingKF,trackingEKF, andtrackingUKF.

You can specify additional properties in any order.


Data Types:char|string

Output Arguments

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Tracking filter property values, returned as a cell array. Each element in the cell array corresponds to the values of a specified property.getTrackFilterPropertiesreturns the values in the same order in which you specified the corresponding properties.

Version History

Introduced in R2017a