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自然对数的quaternion array




B= log(A)computes the natural logarithm of the elements of the quaternion arrayA.


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Create a 3-by-1 quaternion array A.

A = quaternion(randn(3,4))
A =3x1 quaternion array0.53767 + 0.86217i - 0.43359j + 2.7694k 1.8339 + 0.31877i + 0.34262j - 1.3499k -2.2588 - 1.3077i + 3.5784j + 3.0349k

Compute the logarithmic values of A.

B = log(A)
B =3x1 quaternion array1.0925 + 0.40848i - 0.20543j + 1.3121k 0.8436 + 0.14767i + 0.15872j - 0.62533k 1.6807 - 0.53829i + 1.473j + 1.2493k

Input Arguments

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Input array, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, or multidimensional array.

Data Types:quaternion

Output Arguments

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Quaternion natural logarithm values, returned as a scalar, vector, matrix, or multidimensional array.

Data Types:quaternion


Given a quaternion A = a + v ¯ = a + b i + c j + d k , the logarithm is computed by

log ( A ) = log A + v ¯ v ¯ arccos a A

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